Chapter 54

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Krey looked from Pip, then to his mother. Krey was the only northern pack to have major conflict with the Bedlam Pack of the south. They would be at the meeting looking for him, or someone close to Krey to hurt.

They don't know about Pip, Krey thought. They're probably coming for me. Krey separated himself from Pip and nudged him towards the Omega. "Francis, Sid, take Pip to the cars. If you can go, then go. Southern wolves don't know I have a mate. They're coming for me or for my mother. Go. Now."

Wait, but Krey-" Francis pulled on Pip's shoulder before Pip made it harder for Krey to split them up.

"It's alright Pip," Francis soothed, sharing a last glance with Krey before they turned away from each other, making a silent promise to keep him safe.

Pip wanted to protest, but he did what was best and allowed Francis and Sid to guide him through the room.

Victoria and Mark were walking hand in hand down the corridor when Francis gently pushed Pip through the doors.

"What's going on?" Victoria asked, seeing their stress.

"Southern wolves are close enough to smell," said Sid, not stopping to discuss anything else. "This way." Sid took two steps down the corridor until a wolf emerged through the arched doorway at the other end, grinding them all to a sudden halt.

Pip heard the growl before he saw where the growl came from. The wolf was huge, white, and baring its teeth. The wolf's hackles were up, and its sharp claws scraped the tiles when the wolf edged closer. Both Pip and Mark paled and slowly walked backwards, barely blinking, and barely letting themselves breathe.

Sid and Francis stood ahead, sharing nervous glances. "Pip, keep backing away," Francis said, but Pip didn't need telling. Neither did Mark as Victoria stood with Francis and Sid, forming a line between the wolf and the humans.

Silently, Mark and Pip moved further and further down the corridor, forgetting the tension between them and accepting the one thing they had in common. They were both human and wouldn't stand a chance against a werewolf.

"Where's Krey?" Victoria whispered.

"Warning Makena." Sid barely moved his lips when he spoke. Sudden movement would trigger a charge, nobody in the corridor dared to breathe too deeply. But the people in the main room had no idea what was going on, and a laughing couple burst through the doors, spilling into the conflict.

The music and the talking and the door screeching open was enough noise. The wolf raised its large fluffy head and howled. One long eerie 'AAAAOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' churned Pip's stomach until he nearly vomited all over the floor. His skin tingled like little needles pricked the back of his neck, down his spine, and down the back of his weakening legs.

Then the wolf charged. Pip and Mark turned and bolted without looking back to see how the others handled it. They ran as if the wolf only had eyes for them and their backs were large targets.

Pip had no idea where he was going. His heart smashed around his chest. He ran in a blinding panic, following Mark down corridor after corridor. He assumed Mark now lived in the Packhouse and knew where he was going.

"How do we get out?" Pip cried, hearing more howls in the distance. He still didn't dare to look behind him, scared that the wolf was on his heels. Pip felt the same fear the day Krey showed himself in the woods. If a wolf was on his trail, he would trip over his own feet or faint and be eaten alive like his parents.

Mark didn't reply, but Pip still followed, keeping up with Mark's pace.

Breaking glass ahead sent Mark skidding to a stop. "Oh god, oh god!" Mark Frantically looked around and entered the nearest room.

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