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The conference room isn't as packed as the main lobby had been. This is a restricted area, and access can only be gained by the highest ranking officers, and in this case, V.I.P guests. The two armed soldiers Pointer and I had seen guarding the entrance doors make sure of that. I identify Commander Mirrors instantly. She's dressed in her trademark black and gold jumpsuit. When she finally notices me, she breaks away from the group of officers she's is huddled around and marches over.

 I give her a salute. "Commander," She doesn't even bother to return my gesture. Her eyes flicker to Pointer behind me. 

"This is a restricted area, kid," She says, and I hold my breath, expecting her to call for him to be escorted out. But she doesn't. I don't know if this is because she pities me. 

"Move it, Rysenmier." I flinch from the harshness in her tone. "The press conference will begin in one minute. Time is of the essence." Then she starts to walk away, and I'm forced to hurry along side her. The room where the press conference is being held is already filled with reporters. Camera drones soar overhead, broadcasting live to local television channels across the Union. I watch with uneasiness from behind glass doors. The press conference has started. Commander Mirrors marches up to the stage. 

Even with a million eyes fixed on her she manages a rigid composure, and speaks out with a confident voice over the podium. I strain to listen to what she says behind the soundproof doors. It doesn't matter anyways; I know my cue. The minutes drag on. I suck on my lower lip. My eyes dart from the clock to the Commander multiple times. A smile spreads on her lips as she speaks. Then she extends a hand toward the door. But it's not my door. It's the one at the other end of the room. I hadn't noticed it until now. Adjacent to mine, and identical in every way, apart from a giant number 2 stuck on it. Fog pours out from the door as it slides open. I squint my eyes. A person- no, a boy - emerges from the fog. I watch as he makes his way through the crowd, then onto the stage. This can't be... 

Then three shrill beeps sounds from above me, and my door slides open. Too soon. Fog streams from behind me. This is my cue. I tamp down my fury and disgust, emptying myself of all feeling. Then I step out. There is a silence as all eyes in the room turn to me. The silence doesn't last long. I swallow the bile rising in my throat and make my way to the stage, ignoring the inaudible questions flung at me from the reporters. There is chaos. But it's the good chaos. The chaos I want. Commander Mirrors waits until I am standing beside her before she resumes her speech. Her eyes are gleaming, and I can tell she is enjoying this. I should be, too. "As you all know, Capital 6 has seen some bad times," The room falls silent again as the Commander begins to speak. The only noises are from occasional flashes of camera drones. "But I intend to change all that! How, you may ask, very simple. Through the dominance games. A victory in this tournament will guarantee us the second picks of the harvest this year, and the first picks next year. With that, we can re-build our economy and reclaim our status as the most dominant Capital!" She pauses as cheers ring throughout the crowd. "And the key to all of that is them!" I have to force a smile as the commander gestures to us. "Mika Harish and Ant Rysenmier - this year's patriots of capital 6!" Cheers erupt from the crowd. I know what is coming next. Mika holds out his hand for me to shake. It is a symbol of unity; a promise, that in the face of danger, we will not desert one an other, and we will fight till the end to claim the victory for capital 6. Commander Mirrors looks at me expectantly. I have to shake his hand. The smug look on Mika's face says it all. He hasn't forgotten, and neither have I. Soldiers escort us of the stage and toward the elevator at the back of the room. Reporters shout questions at us all the way. But I have my mind on. something else. Next stop : Dominance Island.


Well there you have it it! CHAPTER complete! I hope you've enjoyed reading it. If you have and comments on my writing skills I would very much appreciate them.

Whilst I have you, I want to draw your attention to a very important topic. I'm sure we've all heard of the Corona virus and COVID-19 Pandemic? It is getting more and more serious by the day, and I would advise that you take ALL the necessary precautions. Sanitize regularly, wash hands regularly, stay at least two feet away from anyone coughing or sneezing, don't take unnecessary trips outside. Keep yourself informed. Better safe than sorry.

Right about now, I know most of you are probably wondering : Where is God in all of this? Why isn't he doing anything?

I tell you where. God is in heaven, waiting for you to approach him with your problems. The truth is God can't interfere in your life if you don't ask him to. That's why you have to pray. It's all we can for the world.

Pray for your families, pray for your friends, pray for your community, pray for your nation, pray for the countries mist affected by the Pandemic - Just pray.

Remember: Prayer is just talking to God. So before you sleep, just take five minutes in bed and just talk to him. Read a bible, perhaps.

Your life will never be the same, guaranteed.
Luv n lite, peeps✌✌



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