
122 7 0

I'm not ready

I'm not ready.
- For what?
For everything!

I feel like, it's gotta be too heavy,
feel like it will never be enough.
Sometimes I feel so weak,
what shall I do when times get rough?

I wish that I could see my future,
could see how much I'll grow.
But I can only see the past
and this blurry now.

I wish I could just understand,
that everything will go its way.
But it's hard for me to take it,
why am I just not okay?

I got everything I could dream of,
and still there's so much more.
I wish I could have all of it,
but I'm not so sure if I deserve it.

Why do I have doubts in my existence?
Doubts in my worth?
Why am I so fucking silly,
thinking I could own the earth?

I see this planet as my home,
kinda see it like a mother
but what shall I do,
if I do nothing but bother myself.

I'm wishing for a thousand wishes,
to be granted by the big, wide what?
I wish somebody would just listen,
to the problems that I have not.

And my life, yeah, it seems so priceless,
but it's way too fragile,
what if I may break it?
Or something else just takes it?

Seriously, just wanna lay in bed,
thinking 'bout what life is,
never ever getting mad,
looking up to the stars,
shining bright, straight at me.
Wish I could be like this just a little time longer,
wish I could influence reality.

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