Chapter Twenty Seven

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As Namik phone rang
He answerd

"What is it Şahin ?"

"Do you fear me ? Will you should and did you tell your dear family what going on?"said Şahin


"Ofcourse you won't, or they'll ask why is he doing this?what did you do to him? Can you answer them"

"Yes , I can , shahin tricked me and blamed me for everything, he's sick in the mind,thats it"

"Its not that simple Namik"

"By the way , did you find your daughter?"

"The subject isn't about my daughter!your beautiful daughter in law, did you forgave each other"as he hanged up



As Ferhat fell down , as also stopped running and looked at him in shock

"FERHAAAAT!"Asli screamed as she ran to him

"FERHAT! GET UP, FERHAT!"she screamed as she tried to get him up

"Ferhat! Can you hear me?Ferhat please"as Asli checked for his pulse

"Come on, just make a sound,please"as she saw a drone ubove them with a camera

As she looked at the man behind her as he shot ......BANG....she covered Ferhat body

But in the drone it looked like she got shot to

As shahin called them

"Did you shoot her? Go back that's enough , what did I say?"said shahin as the men went away


"Ferhat! Please ,come on, do you hear me? Its Asli, make a sound please"she said crying

"FERHAAAAT"as he made a sound she sighed

"Okay,okay, just hold on okay?please don't give up, hold on"

"G-..go...d-doc...or...r..un...y..our..n-ni..ght.."he tried to say

"Come on please, tour wound will be fine okay,you'll be fine, help me to fluo you over,please"she said crying as she tried but couldn't


"Okay,its mean you're okay since tour saying this to me, come Ferhat, please, please"she said as tried to get him up as she brushed his hair


"No you won't, look just hold on okay"
Said Asli as she started Running

She ran back to the house as she saw the oldman

"Asli what's wrong kizim?"

"Ferhat...he's...hurt shot..let's go please ,help me, please fast let's go"


As Namik got a call

"What?"said Namik

"Condolences to you ,Ferhat was a good son"

Namik froze as Şahin Hang up
As Yeter came in

"Namik how about you control the women you brought home"

"Namik "said idil

"Get out! Out!"said Yeter as idil left them Alone

"Namik? What's wrong? Namik,did something happen?"she said she aw him shaking

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