Unintentional|Nortonxshyreader| Part 1

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Oh no....

Looking across the iconic match table, you spotted a certain prospector. His legs stood propped up on the table as he continue to babble about another great rescue. Although such personalities would drive people insane, Norton really did intrigue you.

His desire to save his teammates, his cocky attitude, and his looks..
He really was fascinating.

Of course you would never admit it though as you prefered not to put yourself in any situation that put you in the spotlight. You hated to admit it but you were quite a shy person. It seemed like every survivor knew that even if you tried your best to hide it, but everytime anyone got to close to you or teased you, you were already booking it to the next room.

Today though it seemed as if fate wanted you to finally have an interaction with the survior you admired so much and forced you to attend a match. Lady fate though was none other than Emma Woods who claimed that she had an emergency which left the last survivor postion to you.

Shaking your head and clearing your thoughts, you looked at the sight in front of you. It looked like for today's match you had Eli, Naib and Norton on your team. They were three good rescuers while you...
You were a sad decoder.

You subconsciously banged your head on the table causing the 3 surviors to glance at your direction. Realizing your actions you quickly raised your head hoping no one saw but that was proved false the moment everyone's eyes were on you.

As expected of the kind seer, Eli was the first to speak out his concerns.

"Y/n are you alright?"

In order to hide your embarrassed state you turned your head so no one would notice your blush. Waving your hand off you quickly spoke, "Yeah! I'm just swell!"

Knowing how shy you were the boys left it at that but you failed to notice Norton leaving his gaze at you for little while longer before turning away. The moment of silence was soon interrupted as a familiar hum rang in the room. Just the sound of of his hum made you shiver.

Glancing at the sight in front of you, you saw Jack with a quite formal suit making his entrance with a sinple bow. From the corner at your eye, you spotted Eli and Naib communicating through some signals. They were most likely thinking of methods to avoid Jack you concluded. Jack scanned the room making eye contact with everyone before finally looking at you. His eyes (Are they really eyes though? ,_,) lingered on your figure before he chuckled at your figure. It already seemed that his chuckled concealed you fate. Jack's figure was not longer in sight as you were all teleported to a familar map.

Lakeside Village.

Luckly for you, you had been right near the cipher on the boat which you believe made it easier to escape any hunter's wrath. You instantly started decoding and watched as the the cipher percentage increase. You were almost complete with the cipher but strangely enough Jack hadn't hit anyone. The device on your wrist didn't pick up any sort of damage inflicted on your teammates. Surely Jack would've hit someone by now but...why wasn't anyone hit yet..

A sense of dread hit you but you continued to decode but was still stayed weary of your surroundings. After a couple seconds the cipher popped and you ran toward the stairs of the ship before being greeted by someone.

And that someone had to be Norton of course.

What you didn't expect though was to see him in a full panicked state running your way. Your heartbeat pounded out of your chest, signaling the hunter was near.

"Norton what are you-", you said before a hand covered your mouth. As soom as his hand touched you mouth you instantly burned out and your face grew bright red.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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