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rhiannon and timothee had always been a packaged deal. never one or the other, it was both of them or neither. it was just their dynamic, being consistently together was normal for them.

their mothers had been best friends all their lives, and wanted their children to be as well. lucky for them timmy and rhia had been inseparable since they were just babies, always wanting to be with the other, and throwing a fit when they were separated.

every sunday both families gathered for dinner and a board game. growing up this was the highlight of everyone's week, everyone looked forward to being with the people they loved and cherished.

as they grew older they faced everything together, timmy's first fight (rhia intervened but got hit by the boy timmy was fighting, which only made tim madder), the death of rhia's beloved mother which had struck the boy just as hard as it had struck her, and timmy's first role in a movie even though it was minor.

for rhia, being in timothee's presence was the most indescribable feeling, it felt like they were in their own little world. he was the person who knew her best, all her flaws and secrets were as much his as they were hers. they were one in the same and never wanted anything different. she adored the way his hair looked when he woke up and all the cute nicknames he had for her, his passion for his art and the way he would do anything for the people he loved. he was so selfless, putting others above him just to see people happy and make a difference. especially when her mom passed, she was aware that he was in just as much pain as her, but he still made sure she was okay even though he was hurting just as much. these were all things that made timothee her beloved timmy.

timothee adored her just as much, if not more, his love for her overwhelmed him every second of everyday. yearning to see a smile on her face, or a laugh erupt from her mouth, she was what motivated him to pursue his dreams. that look of pride and admiration on her face when he spoke to her about a role that he had gotten was what kept him going. not to mention her ethereal beauty, she only seemed to get more beautiful as she got older. her beauty was different from all the other girls and it was clear to him, maybe it was because she was so carefree and confident, or because she was diligent and always worked hard for what she wanted to achieve. either way he was always stunned by her, even if she had only thrown on one of his sweatshirts and a pair of shorts, she still seemed alluring to him.

but every good thing comes to an end, and eventually timothee left. he set off into the real world to pursue his dreams, without her. 

it was the summer before sophomore year of college, and timmy was planning to go over rhia's new apartment. but he never showed, instead rhia got a short message and didn't hear from him after that. no matter how many times she called him, texted him, or emailed him, he never responded. she even showed up to what she remembered to be his apartment, but he wasn't the one occupying it anymore, it was someone new, not her timmy. 

she felt betrayed. he knew that her biggest fear was losing another person that she loved, but he left anyways. he left her to grieve their friendship while she was nothing but a hollow shell of her old self, he was part of her, and now that he wasn't there she didn't feel whole. every second of everyday she was reminded of the memories they shared, she was never spared a moment where he wasn't plaguing her every thought. everywhere she went in the large city of new york, timmy had left an imprint on. it was their city, and now it didn't feel alive, as it did before. 

rhia tried to get over him, but there was no avail. she would try to go ice skating with her college friends, but just thought about how timmy would hold her so she wouldn't slip and fall on the ice. she barely made it through her little brothers graduation ceremony at LaGuardia without crying because she could only think about all the memories her and timothee had made in that school. whether it was goofing off in class, or helping timothee make a music video for his statistics class, the memories made a mark on her. 

at some point she had had enough, and was beyond tired of being reminded of her heartbreak, so she left. she left everything she had known, her family, her friends, and all her memories with timothee. she dropped out of college and set off west, at only 20, deciding on going to california. she ended up in downtown la, and rented a little apartment with two friends she had made. 

this was her new normal, no timothee, no new york, just her and her new bestfriends trying to make it in life. she was still hurt but it hadn't been as strong, maybe it had been the change of location, or maybe she was genuinely getting over him. either way she was getting happier, and enjoying her new life without him


stay; timothée chalametWhere stories live. Discover now