England U17s

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Meet Layla. She's 16 and the 'next best footballer' says everyone. She's at the moment playing a year up in the england youth age groups and she is just finishing her GCSEs.


"Excuse me Layla, listen please in class. Stop daydreaming otherwise you won't pass the tests" the teacher shouted at Layla who was staring at the football field outside her classroom.

"Sorry sir"
"Layla what's the time?" Her mate asked her. They weren't really allowed phones in school l, especially not in lessons but this room had no clock so there was no way of finding how long you had left! When Layla checked her phone she was shocked. There was 5 missed calls from her U17s coach and 3 missed calls from the england seniors coach. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her heart was beating at 1000000 mph. She stood up and starting walking out the class
"I need to take this call sir" she said not waiting for an answer before she left. The phone was straight to her ear and it felt like ages till the senior england manager picked up.

"Hey it's layla Williams"

"Hi Layla, how are you doing? Sorry to call you at a weird time. Your probably in school but I wanted to tell you something."

"Ye I was in science but it's cool as my science teacher had let me take this call.whats going on?"

"He sounds like a good teacher. Well , we've been amazed at how well you have played over the last few games and with Jodie Taylor having to step out of next weeks camp we thought that you might want to come along. So I'm giving you a call up to the senior squad if you want to accept the offer. I do understand if you feel like your not ready as you are a young one but we wouldn't ask you if we didn't feel like you were right." Phil giggles

"Wow, um I'm speechless, I literally want to scream right now but I will be murdered by the teachers*they both laugh* yes , yes ,yes , a million Yesses. That sounds amazing, thank you so much for this opportunity. Will I get an email with details and stuff?" Layla was silently screaming and jumping at this point

"Yes so you will be announced tomorrow morning with the other girls on social media and then the email will go out and as your under 18 you will need your parents permission and then we will see you on Friday"

"Wow, I can't wait thank you so much again , you don't understand how much this means to me" Layla said. Phil congratulated her and hung up. Layla went to the bathroom and called her parents.

"Mum it's happened , I've done it, Phil has called me up for camp on Friday" Layla screamed down the phone

"I'm so happy for you baby girl" her dad responded when she told him the news . After about 20 minuets of calming down Layla headed back to class.

"Where have you been Layla ?"

"Sorry sir , had to answer that call . But I can't explain anything you will understand tomorrow" Layla said with a massive grin on her face as she sat down.she couldn't believe this had happened to her .Her dream was finally becoming reality.

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