I miss him

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"Illyria, wake up," A voice hissed in the darkness. "Wake up!"

"Who is it?" Illyria shot up, wiping at her tear tracks.

"It's Rufus Garcia," He said, less insistently and turned the nightlight beside her on and Illyria winced at the sudden light. "Have you been crying?"

"No," Illyria denied. "What the hell are you doing here? If they catch you, you're dead."

"Thank you for your never-ending optimism Illyria," Rufus brought out a slight smile out of her. "But I'm here to get you. Why the hell didn't you go with John? Never mind-your parents are waiting for you. We have to go now."

"My parents-they're okay?" Illyria was no longer tired and slipped on the nearest shoes.

"Yes, I retrieved your mother from here a week ago. Your father is in Sweden and your mother is in Morocco. They're going to meet us in London in two days' time if there are no obstacles. And then we'll meet John and Laith in Paris and go from there."

"Okay," Illyria said. "Let's go then."

Illyria felt like a criminal sleuthing around the palace and wondered just how they were going to get out undetected. That question was answered when Rufus pried open a portrait of her grandparents and ushered her into the secret passageway.

"The founders had it right," he muttered behind her. "They knew no one could really be trusted so they had secret passageways everywhere."

"Even in Juste Milieu?" Illyria shivered and Rufus placed a blanket around her that he had gotten from her room as an afterthought.

"Especially in Juste Milieu."


"Where are we?" They came to a derelict building swarming with people who looked they had come to their last resting place. It was impossible for them to become even more downtrodden.

"We need a few things, and this wasn't exactly supposed to happen." Rufus gave Illyria a command that he made clear that she couldn't ignore, "Stay right here. Don't move or speak to anyone."

She watched him go and deliberated on where she exactly was and then a young boy sidled up to her. "Do you have any food?" He asked hopefully in Ishidilian Arabic.

"No. Sorry."

He looked like he had expected that answer with his accepting nod, "You sticking around long? How many people in your family did Roman Holiday kill?"

"Um what?" Illyria felt like she was being watched which was impossible; they weren't followed, right? She looked over her shoulder and when she turned back to face the little boy, Rufus was standing before her.

"I thought I told you not to speak to anyone," He steered her away from the boy who watched them the entire pathway to a cabin nearby, he craned his neck to keep a look out.

"What are we doing here?" She hissed, keeping her voice down. "What even is this place?"

"So many questions. So inquisitive," Out of the shadows, came a woman who couldn't be more out of place and had a seductive demeanour that unsettled Illyria. "Just be glad you'll be exactly where you belong soon enough."

"Lilith Garcia, my wife," Rufus said, distracted by shuffling money and passports into a duffle bag. "Is that everything?"

"Of course, it is," She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Transit mechanisms in the side pocket, enough to last an entire year. When I get a job, I do it well." She slid her eyes over Illyria and twisted her mouth. "And anything to help the Princess of Ishidil."

"Thank you," He kissed her on the cheek and the small smile on Lilith's face made Illyria uneasy. "We'll be off. And if I'm not back by tomorrow night then-"

"-call Leonard Wright. I know. I know," They kissed once again; Illyria sighed and looked away. "Now go and be a hero."

Illyria allowed herself to visibly cringe.


The second her feet hit the pavement in London, Illyria felt like she could breathe again. Rufus immediately beelined for a two-star hotel that looked like it had seen better days. Illyria wrinkled her nose at the stained walls and a gang of boys hovering around the entrance. Rufus brought two rooms and then reconsidered and only brought one; it wouldn't do to leave Illyria alone.

Illyria wondered if Rufus had a blacklight in his briefcase.

"Alright take a nap," Rufus set up his gear in front of the box TV and barely looked at Illyria. "When you wake up, we'll be moving again."

Illyria was too tired to argue and her closed as soon as her head touched the pillow.


Illyria wasn't asleep for long when she awoke to a clamour outside. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and peeked out of window, recoiling at two black cars flashing their lights at her. Their lights continued to beam when they knew that she saw them.

She closed the curtains at a snail's pace, "Rufus, I think someone followed us here."

She didn't hear anything back, "Rufus?" He wasn't at his makeshift desk and his equipment looked like it was slightly smashed. Actually the entire room looked light a bombsite; what had happened while she was asleep?-something hard hit her head and she dropped to the floor, clutching her head and moaned in pain.

Not again, she thought as darkness overcame her.

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