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—Shoyo —
Aaaahhhh MOM!!!!

What wrong shouyou !!!!

I'm a g~girl

I knew this day would come one day

WHAT DAY !!! * I said in a scary tone *

The day you turn into a girl but I'm not sure if it's permanent you might have to go ask your sister shouko since she very smart and athletic

Do I have to go to school today ?

Oh no dear you don't because today is Saturday

Wait what!

Today is Saturday and guess what I will transfer both of your sister to your school and do you know what that means my house is now fill with six girl wait till you father hear how he don't have a son no more

That's crazy mom the house only  have nine bedrooms,three bathrooms,and two office rooms that's a lot of room,and what do you mean my sisters are transfer to my school

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that you sister will be going to your  school for now on since they don't like the  school and can you please help your sisters out when they need it and you might be lucky shouko might help you with volleyball

Mom both of my sisters and I are the same age and we are in the same grade so they should know how to read

—Ms. Hinata—

I'm just  kidding I was going to help them no matter what

That's my baby ok well get some more sleep you will have to get up 4 hour for breakfast and I will let everyone know about your  problem

——— Four Hours later ———

Shouyou wake up it's time for breakfast and mom told use what happen and dad is crying downstairs

Why dad crying ?

He crying because he have no sons and he the only man in the house so he going to be worry about boys coming over

Oh ok but is dad ok with even know I'm a girl

Oh yeah dad find he ok with it but as long you don't bring no boys home did mom tell you me and Ayame going to school with you

Yeah I'm excited

Oh yeah did she also tell you that you won't go to school Monday but will go after school to volleyball practice to tell them you're problem

— shoyo—
Ok than can both you and Ayame wait for me after

Yeah we were planning on that and mom is going to tell your principal and you know you're not the only kid at your school that this happen to

For real

Yes for real and you know the blood test mom told me to do well you're permanent like this

Wait for real

Yes for real and guess what Ayame and I planning to join the volleyball team but I want to be a  player and Ayame want to be a manager

Wait for this is going to be the best team ever and you would be able to put your moves in good use

Don't forget volleyball won't be the only sport I'm doing I will be doing soccer and track but track practice will be on Thursday and soccer will be on Sunday well let's go eat

Please join it would mean a lot to me

Find I will if it make you happy

It make me more than happy ok let's go eat


I hope it's good

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