Are you ready?

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~6 years later~

You watched as your son and daughter, Madix and Anna, ran through the gardens of Asgard. Madix was 6 now as little Anna was 4. Madix adored his sister. Madix also had Frost Giant blood in him. He looked just like Loki. Long black hair, green eyes, and you knew that every time he'd done something wrong, he'd have Loki's signature smirk. 

Anna looked like both of you. She had your e/c and Loki's hair. She didn't have Frost Giant blood in her but magical blood. When she was born, she had died. Loki used his magic to bring her back. She loved her father so much. Madix loved Uncle Thor better than Loki. 

" Daddy, daddy!! Catch me!!" Anna yelled as she jumped into the air. Loki chuckled and caught her.

" You're in for it now!" He said as he started tickling her. She squealed and laughed but she couldn't get away.

" I will save you dear sister!" Madix yelled as he tried to save Anna. Loki used his magic to tickle him too.

" Loki, come on." You chuckled. He let go of the kids and picked Anna up so she was on his shoulder. Madix held your hand as you guys walked down the Rainbow Bridge.

" Heimdall, anywhere will be great." You said as you and your family about entered the Bifrost. 

" Are you ready, my dear?" Loki asked as he took your hand into his.

" Ready as i'll ever be." With that, you and your family were going in to the unknown. But the only thing that mattered. You were together.

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