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*•*•Ren POV:

We made love.

Dominic Reed made long lasting, mind blowing love to me, Serenity Wilson a fucking idiot who's slowly falling for the man she shouldn't.

When he released his hot liquid inside I felt so warm and at peace. His eyes never leaving mine and our hold on each other was to damn tight. Good thing I'm on the pill.

I couldn't help but replay yesterday morning over and over again like some love struck teenager.

Did he even know that what we did wasn't like any other sex we had before? That was straight up making love. I mean I wouldn't know fully but I know them long strokes and soul gazing whispering my name after every thrust wasn't just sex. It was passionate and he was being gentle. I had feelings for him that was clear for a while now but I really wanted it more than just sex with dom I wanted him to be all mine and just mine.

"Here Davis is  going out he want us to type these up and send them off before 5."
Alice voice broke me from my lust train and back to boring work.
"Did he say where he was going this early?"
"No just he had some things to take care of ."
"Oh well I guess we better get started if we wanna make it out alive." She laughed grabbing a seat next to me. Soon we began our work I looked at the time as it was just 10am meaning we'd be here for a while.

Don't you just love work?

Davis pov:

"We have him."
Adrian looked up from his laptop placing down his loaded gun.
The were abouts of randy finally was revealed after fucking months. That bitch could hide I'll tell em that much.
"He's at warehouse c5 dom and micheal are there also the other guards are on watch."
"So what are we waiting for , let's go cut the head of a snake."

Walking out my study I made my way through my halls of my house staff and said my goodbyes. We're headed to where randy was located.

Time skip *

Arriving at the iron door my men pushed open the door to a dom beating randy senseless. Blood dripping from his body, a busted lip and bleeding eye while mike sat back enjoying it.

"Enough Dom."

Before connecting his fist once more he stopped and leaned back.
Hair all over his face and fist drenched with blood and those eyes.....just like his fathers . Eyes of an beast.

"Davy welcome ." He smiled at me like a sick fuck he was and of course me being me I smiled back.

I took a look at randy "Is he even alive?" I looked up to dom rolling my sleeves up.

"Don't know don't care."

Mike laughed lowly,just enough for me to hear him.
"Mr.Miller ?" I said . Blood dripping form his mouth and he slowly looked up breathing heavy.
"Hi how do you feel?" I asked sarcastically

"You-u bastard-ds don't know who your messing with." He could barely speak.

"Well enlighten us why don't you."

He smiled with bloody teeth.
"You thinks it's okay to have your mutt rough me up ?" Dom tried walking closer but I gave him a look telling him to don't let him get to him.

"You do know why that is right miller?"
"Not really and I could give a rat ass."

"You Mr. Randy Miller have became a threat to my daughter and that makes you a threat to my lifestyle let along the people around her.."

"DAUGHTER...." laughing while leaning back with eyes full of rage.
"You speak of daughter old man when really she's just a piece of shit , a broken thing I found."

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