So, this is Echo
( But I can't draw human and I didn't feel like doing anthro style either the day I drew this so yeah, the marking on the paws on the human hybrid form are gloves instead, but the rest is yeah, you-you get it) Hahaha, I forgot the fooking scars
Mmmm Background stuff:
Echo is a reserved person who barely shows emotions to anyone except a special few. IF he warms up to you, you got yourself a ride or die ( He will actually die for you, he almost did once for his true love~ Sorry that was cheesy ).
At a young age, his father abandoned him and his brothers Birch, Dune, and Maka. And a few days after that day he was possessed by some creature, but he can maintain it by drinking a special potion, he also hides his wings for some reason-
One night he forgot to take the special potion ( In cringing so hard while writing all of this- ) and changed forms. He attacked both Maka and Dune, killing them. He was about to kill Birch when the effects of the possession wore off.
Once their mother died Birch had to take care of his younger sibling, keeping a very close eye on him. Echo had to pay half the bills so he took the role of a dog arena fighter. He acquired his first true friend Zero in high school and they became very close. But then as time moved on he formed feelings for his friend ( Shhhh, don't tell Zero- ).
Zero is very heavy with the flirting.
Oh yeah, he's also 16 and has tasted alcohol before, good for him.
That was to much stuff-
Randomhul·la·ba·loo /ˌhələbəˈlo͞o,ˈhələbəˌlo͞o/ noun a commotion; a fuss.