Uh, This is an art dump cuz I drew a lot of crap and never put it up so
So know that species I was talking about on my conversations, well this is the first official drawing of the character that inspired it
Wilt my little Biromatic Asexual bean :>
There are his mask and staff
This... is an eyesore I'm sorry, just.. my friend dared me to use the pink, yellow, and white ( I hated it so I made him a twin with the inverted colors )
Just kill me now
If Echo and Zero were number neighbors, there's their conversation, also I tried lineless art and I like it. Kinda sad it was for a joke but it not like I'm ever gonna do it again since it sucked like hell.
Zero being a fucking badass, nothing else needs to be said. ( Its kinda old so )
I don't know, so... yeah
This is the picture that made my mom question my sexuality. I still love it though
Not my art but it cute as hell ( Credit to the artist )
There's my art dump, hoped y'all enjoyed uwu
Randomhul·la·ba·loo /ˌhələbəˈlo͞o,ˈhələbəˌlo͞o/ noun a commotion; a fuss.