Shit Goes Down When No One's around

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Like I'd imagined the last day of 9th grade sucked. I'd managed to throw myself against three walls and plate of greasy pizza within the same hour. I don't know why I'm so clumsy or who get it from. My mom is very neat maybe even too neat... perhaps a neat freak. My dad is too serious to be clumsy. So there I was staring at the smeared pizza stain sinking into my colorful sweater. I thought about rushing to the bathroom and scrubbing it off with hand soap; using the brown paper bags they call "napkins". The more I stared at it the more I convinced myself it blended with the colors of shirt

I started to head to class. When I saw Fitch my best friend. He was making his way to me; dabbing everyone up and talking to absolutely everyone. He's such a people person. I mean, I would be too if I looked that good. Fitch was adorable and good looking. He had big curls cropped in a fro that fell over his forehead and hazel green eyes. A mouth full of braces that complemented his big smile. He was the kind of person you'd expect to be full of himself but he was absolutely humble. Everyone loves him.
Finally he made it to me "

"heyyyy, turn that frown upside down" he said while smiling with so much energy and pushing the corners of my mouth upward into an awkward smile.

I didn't even notice I wasn't smiling.

"How are you always this energized?" I asked.

"One it's the last day of 9th grade before we're adults"

I cut him off.

"not adults but continue."

"Two we have P.E every morning and I need energy for that and three it's the last day! dude aren't you excited? Gonna miss anyone?"

" I'll miss you & Graham but it's just summer we will all still meet back up at this same high school, speaking of Grahams"

I started to stand on my tiptoes trying to look over the large crowd for Graham.

"I don't count and there's no need to stand on your tiptoes to find her she's like 6ft" he rolled his eyes.

I turned and smiled at him and poked a dimple in his cheek.

"I think someone's jealous" I teased.

"It just doesn't make sense what kind of girl grows foots over one summer? I didn't grow anything but inches"

I'm pretty sure he was still talking but I wasn't listening anymore.

"I don't think you said that right (foots) I don't know, but stop your whining and help me find her."

"Find who?"

a girlish voice from behind said while poking my shoulder with her index finger. It was Graham. I looked up at her

"Fitch is right you did grow freakishly tall"

"What" Graham replied.

Fitch just rolled his eyes.

"No, "I told you so?"" I asked Fitch.

" It doesn't serve me" he replied.

Over the summer Graham grew really tall maybe like 5'9 and Fitch remained about 5'7 Graham height wasn't the only thing that changed. She also grew breast and nice one's like the ones people pay for. She started to wear her shiny black hair down even though her family forbids it. If you didn't know her you'd think she was a senior in high school. She was absolutely stunning with dark brown golden skin.

"Graham where were you?" looking up at her for a response.

She just walked all stiffly and was smiling very oddly.

"What- Why are you smiling like that." circling my index finger around her face.

Then the bell rang loudly and teachers started yelling "Get there."

"We better get to class" Graham said smiling and running off.  "We're going to the same class" I yelled at her. "Well then I guess I'll see you there" she yelled back. "What's with her?" Fitch said. "I don't know she's been acting odd ever since she got her period" I replied. "Too much info" Fitch replied covering his ears. I had no idea what was up with Graham but I was determined to get to the bottom of it. Maybe she was just excited it was the last day of 9th grade or that she finally started woman hood.

As me and Fitch walked into P.E we went our separate ways for the locker rooms. I hated changing in front of everyone. It just wasn't my thing. I'm not insecure it's just not something I enjoy. So I found Graham and grabbed her shoulders

"What's happening"

She smiled and changed shirts.

"Nothinggggg it's- a good day"

I tilted one eyebrow up and gave her the "that's bullshit" face. She rushed out the locker room.
"Alright guys get some stretches in and  we'll have a game of dodge ball today! And ladies please no leggings for gym, shorts will do" Street our P.E. teacher said eye balling me. As me, Graham, and Fitch stood in a circle stretching. I looked at Fitch, Fitch looked at me then up at Graham, Then Graham looked at us both.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?" Fitch asked confused.

"Graham's hiding something" I said quickly.

"Not true, Kam's just being overly dramatic" Graham said.

I shook my head at her in disbelief was she really not gonna tell me, her Bestfriend. We stood staring at each other. Fitch continued to stretch peeking up.

"Alright guys every man for himself" Street yelled taking a seat on the bleachers. Fitch hopped up. "I would stick around but you guys are usually the first target" he said while running backwards. I hated this game for one I sucked at it and two it required too much energy for 9am. So there I was and there Graham was on the opposite side of the room avoiding eye contact with me. Street blew his whistle and we all took off for the line of balls.

I grabbed a ball and shadowed people who were actually good at this game that's usually how I made it pretty far just hiding behind others. Fitch of course was enjoying himself pouncing around and running like a track star. Graham was a easy target since she was the tallest in the room but she did well at avoiding.
The crowd became smaller as people got "out" I made my way to Graham.

"What are you hiding?" I demanded. "

"It's not a big deal"

Graham said As we both ducked from balls. We were standing face-to-face.

"Then just tell me" I said picking up a ball and throwing it without looking hoping to hit anyone.

The crowd was getting even smaller. Graham face grew weary as she ducked from another ball.

"You really wanna know she said".

"Yes" I said picking up another ball.

She just stood there "Tell me!" I said as I threw the ball at her face.

"I lost my virginity" she screamed out at me.

The room grew silent. That's when we noticed we were the last two standing. I was in shock so I just stood there staring at her. She was staring at the class that just tuned in on her confession. She startled off. I watched her walk away. When Fitch came up to me "hey why'd you hit me out? I mean I know it's every man for himself but I kinda thought we on the same team" he said jokingly. "Way to go Kam" Lucky said walking by shaking my shoulder.


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