G-Spot: part 2

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Later that night Fitch matched a olive green shirt with khaki shorts for the bonfire and me and Graham well let's just say we still had no idea what we were gonna where.

"Your shirt compliments your eyes nicely" I told Fitch.

"thanks Kam" he replied smiling.

G was giving us a death stare.

"will you guys cut it and help me find something to wear!" She shouted.

"I think I'll just wear this blouse and the jeans" I decided.

"Awesomeeee now help me!" G said sarcastically and rudely.

"Why do you wanna go to this Bonfire anyways?" Fitch asked boosting himself up onto her dresser to sit.

"I don't want to but I have to and if I'm gonna go I'm gonna look good so start putting your brains together to help me find a fit before I lose my shit!" she said dumping the new clothes from the bag onto her bed.

"That rhymed" Fitch said laughing.

"What do you mean you "have" to go?" I asked while holding a dress up then sitting it to the side after she gave me a stale face.

"It means that if I don't go then he'll think it's because I'm so sad about him that I couldn't show up" she said while squeezing her head into a shirt.

"This is it." she said looking into the mirror and posing.

It was 8:00pm when we arrived to JC's place. All dressed up we arrived to the door where Lucky stood with a notebook.

"let me just make sure you're all on the list...let's see FitchMcKnight KambreeChase sisssss sorry. I don't Have a Noor on my list"

he said faking smiling, folding his arms and leaning against the entrance.

"That's bullshit" Graham said snatching the notebook out of his hands.

"this is a blank piece of paper" she shouted holding the notebook in the air"

"Look all I know is that I'm not supposed to let you In" He said still leaning against the door with his arms crossed.

"Yea whatever, come on guys" Graham said throwing the notebook on the ground and walking away quickly.

I reached out for Graham's shoulder "G" but she shrugged me off.I had Pete take Graham and Fitch home after dropping me off. I wanted to talk to G help her to feel better but I knew it was probably best to just let her sleep it off. The next morning I woke up to a pacing Graham in my room "why the hell are you here?!" I said throwing my blanket over my head. " How dare he throw a party and not invite me? No specifically tell his little wing man to not let me in! Does he know who he's fucking with? I'll show him" she said still pacing. I sat up and quickly threw the covers off my head "Are you okay?" I asked genuinely concerned. I didn't want to tick her off even more. "No, but I will be." she said storming out the room with a wicked expression on her face.

I quickly FaceTimed Fitch. He picked up on the first ring "yes" he said with a sleepy voice. "You have to get over here G is losing her shit after what happened last night" I explained quickly, now I was pacing. His hair hung over his face he pushed it back and held his camera away from him so he could see the time with his blanket only on his waist I could see his bare chest. It looked like he'd been working out, he looked good. "It's 7am" he said looking at me with a "are you serious face". "Please" I replied with a side smile. "Fine,  I'll be there in 30min" he said throwing the blanket back over his head.

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