Secret Boyfriend {Travis Phelps x Male! Reader}

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Yay! First oneshot! going to just say it now, Travis(Fandom ver. tho) & Larry are my favorites

{Reader's POV}

Like every other school day, I spend the day hanging out with Sal & the crew, doing crazy things, & all the other fun things we get in trouble for but the only things I don't take part in, is all their revenge pranks on Travis. Why? Because we're dating, we have been since arund the beginning of 9th grade, no one has found out because well... Travis is trapped in the closet because of his father & since I'm openly gay we can't even hang out publicly.

Larry had told yet another terrible joke about whatever the group was talking about. I wasn't paying much attention to it, too busy glancing at Travis who had a new bruise on the left side of his forehead. The sound of fingers snapping & my vision suddenly being blocked by a hand which I quickly followed up the arm to learn that said hand belonged to Ash who had just had snapped me out of my worried thoughts. "Y/N are you ok? You keep looking at Tra- DID HE DO SOMETHING TO YOU!?" Ash quietly yelled in concern, making Larry quickly add to her statement, "I'll kick the mother fuckers ass if he did anything to you!" nothing new to be honest, Larry often threatens to beat the shit out of Travis every time he even glances at any of us. "No no, he did nothing..." I trailed off as I looked at the bruise again, Sal seemed to notice as he spoke, "you're looking at his bruise aren't you? Wonder who he fought this time." Everyone else nodded in agreement & the conversation shifted to him & whoever he possibly fought today because, that's what he always tells everyone even tho I already know it was another argument with his dad that had turned physical.

~Timey Skippy~

After school, Travis & I meet up at an abandoned park as usual. Travis sits down at the bench that hasn't fallen apart yet, unlike most of the other benches. I take a seat next to him & snuggle into his side, "wanna tell me about what happened Trav? You don't have too" I offered in a gentle tone of voice, he wrapped his arm around me to pull me closer by my waist & he started to talk about what happened, telling me almost everything. Giving me a chance to think of items to bring him to make him feel better. Soon we got off that topic, we've also changed positions by now too. My head now rested in Travis's lap, my legs dangling off of the bench, & Travis is playing with my fingers. "Your friend Larry is crazy overprotective of everyone in your group" he joked & I laughed "I know! But he's a nice person! Just not to bullies" I joked in return.

"Yo Y/N! Who ya-" Larry had called from the entrance of the park but he had cut himself off, seeing me & Travis... acting like a couple. The rest of the gang was right behind him, all frozen in shock. "uh... Hi guys" I quickly sat up & faced them, without any hesitation Larry yelled, "YOU'RE DATING TRAVIS!?" "Travis is gay!?" Sal quickly said after Larry. I bite my lip & glance at everyone but Travis speaks for me, "yes we are dating & yes I am gay... I'm sorry for how I've been treating all of you..." Travis went on to explain his actions, as he speaks he's tense & defensive, obviously not wanting to be in this situation. Slowing moving to calm him, I hug him firmly yet gently, trying my best to silently comfort him. The group was a mix of reactions; Larry was still furious but seemed to be a tiny bit more relaxed, Sal looked ready to accept him & all that fun stuff, Todd seemed to not believe him at all, & Ash seemed to be a mix of not believing & believing. Not like I thought they'd instantly forgive him & accept him as a friend, but maybe that's a different thing to try for a different time. "Yea right, why should we believe you?" Todd chimed in once Travis stopped talking, tho I was fast to respond "do you not see all his bruises?" "He's not wrong guys" Sal agreed as he walked over before talking again, "I've even seen his confession note for Y/N around the beginning of 9th grade year, I just never said anything."

It took about a week to convince the rest of the group that Travis wasn't lying & even longer before everyone accepted him in the friend group.


WOOOO! I forgot how much effort & time it takes to write these things, I hope y'all enjoyed tho! Also I feel like this one was kinda rushed so I'll try to slow down the other one shots.

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