Chapter 1

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Third person's POV

It was the first day if school and Taehyung just received a love letter when he opened his locker. He sighed unconsciously for he was not really in the mood for some failed relationship once again.

You see, his past relationships where a bit off for him. His first ex boyfriend was very controlling, his second ex was a girl and was very difficult to understand, his fourth was a boyfriend who was always busy, next is an ex boyfriend who doesn't really care about him, and his last ex was a girl once again and was a gold digger. With that Taehyung just wanted to give up on love.

"Hi Taehyungie! I really like you a lot! Please meet me near the bleachers in the field 💖💖"


Taehyung read the note and decided to get it over with so he can go mope around to his friends about being lonely.

He walked aimlessly and when he was nearing the bleachers, there stood a girl who was looking down all smiley and flirty. Taehyung knew rejecting her won't hurt her too much for the looks of it, she was a playgirl.

"Uh-uhmm Excuse me miss, but you see I am not looking for someone right now." He stated as kindly as he can being careful not to hurt the other's feelings.

The girl looked up to him and raised a bow.

"What the fuck?" She exclaimed whule looking up at Taehyung, showing that she was on the phone.

"Oh-oh! Uhm I I thought this was from you" Taehyung answered showing her the letter. He was confused about how she reacted to him, but mostly embarrassed as fuck since he literally just confronted the girl with out asking.

"I don't do love letters, it's to clichè" The girl answered and left Taehyung who was still embarrassed. He looked around to check if anyone saw that. Luckily for him, no one was around.

"H-HEY TAEHYUNGIEEE!!!" Squealed a boy holding a small heart-shaped box that obliviously has chocolates in it. He was running towards Taehyung, and Taehyung was beyond shocked. The tall boy infront of him was indeed attractive but he wasn't for Taehyung.

"Tae, I'm PBG, Park Bo Gum!" The tall boy exclaimed at Taehyung smiling widely.

"Here these are for you!" Bogum said as he gave Taehyung the box of chocolates. Taehyung hesitantly took the box and smiled awkwardly at Bogum not knowing how to turn the cheerful boy down with out hurting him. If there's anything, Taehyung was great on reading people and he can tell that Bogum was a really nice guy. And that is why he is currently contemplating to himself since he doesn't want to hurt Bogum yet he doesn't want a relationship for now.

"I really like you Tae. Since last year when you bumped into me. So please give me a chance and go out with me!" Bogum said in one go afraid that he would be rejected.

It was the first day of school that Bogum accidentally bumped into Taehyung making them both fall. At that time, Bogum still wears his glasses and he looks so much of a nerd. He became afraid the instant he bumped into Taehyung since everyone was looking at him. He expected to be cursed at and probably get beaten up by the males who stand next to Taehyung, but Taehyung only offers his hands and helped Bogum up. Something in Bogum beats and at that moment, he knew he liked Taehyung. But he also knew that Taehyung is out of his reach so he decided to upgrade himself. But even after looking like the fire himself, he still found Taehyung in a relationship. Therefore he promised to himself that when the time comes, he will make Taehyung his boyfriend. And now is the time since Taehyung is free and single.

Taehyung's POV

Oh my god. I can't turn this poor sould down, he's gonna break. I was nearly panicking since I didn't know how would I answer him.

"I-i-" I stuttered but got cut off by the school bell. That was the first time I was so thankful of the bells in this school. It really did save me.

"Oh! Uh-uhmm Bogum, it's already time. We don't really want to be late for class now, don't we." I said nervously.

"Well yeah, but" he was about to say something when I cut him off really trying to escape the situation as fast as I can.

"I'll think about your question Bogum-ah, see you around" I said quickly scurrying away from him. I don't want to stay there for much longer knowing he will be more assertive about his feelings towards me.

"Yeah see you later Taetae!" He shouted at me. I ignored him and got to class as quickly as I can.

Time skip

Lunch came and I am now sitting with my two friends in the cafeteria. We were waiting for one more since he had to go to the restroom. These guys are my friends since highschool.

Jimin, was a whole lot different though for we was my bestfriend since diaper days. He is the bubbly type of friend and the social butterfly. He is quite famous around school for his looks and personality. He was sitting infront of me and next to him is Baekhyun hyung. He is like the Eomma the group had ever have. He was caring towards us and he have a very kind heart that girls swoon for. But he was gay as fuck so sorry for those girls then.

Not longer than five minutes and Hoseok Hyung came joining us with such a blinding smile. He is literally everybody's sunshine. No need for me to explain further but he trully is a ray of sun.

"So~ Tae-Hyu-ng-ie, how did it go with this PBG admirer of yours?" Jimin asked while saying my name sweetly and dragging every syllables of it. I sighed and told them what happened. They just laughed at me!

"So, you like rejected him but also didn't! You're dumb TaeTae" Hoseok hyung laughed.

"Hey Stob It! I don't want to hurt him okay?!" I exclaimed in a teasing way. And lunch goes by that way.

Time skip

It was finally the end of the class and I stood up ready to go back to my dorm. I was walking outside the building when I heard a somewhat familiar squeal.

"TAEHYUNGIEEE~!!!" Park Bogum. Oh no nonono nono! He was riding his motorcycle and stopped right infront of me. He smiled cheerfully at me and got off.

"I came to fetch you TaeTae! I decided that I will win your heart!" He explained to me. He then held my wrist and brought me closer to his motorcycle.

"Come on! I'm gonna take you to your apartment" he said as he get on is scooter. There is literally no way I am letting him take me to my dorm. I mean, I'd rather walk for 10 minutes than ride with him. It might misinterpret the situation, giving him more hope that I would like him back.

"Oh no! It's okay, i still have some errands to run to anyways" I made up an excuse to escape this situation once more.

"Well then I'll be happy to take you anywhere so come on now. Come" he said patting the space behind him and giving me a spare helmet. I sighed once again and hesitantly took the helment. I can not win against him. But I do not want him to put so much effort for me.

I hopped on his motorcycle and just told him to get me home. When I reached the building of my dorm, I quickly gave him back the helmet and got off his scooter saying thanks, before running as fast as I can to escape him. Today was a very tiring day.

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