Chapter 2

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It's been two weeks since Bogum's confession to Taehyung and Taehyung is on the verge of losing his sanity. Wherever he goes, Bogum goes. Whatever he does, Bogum does. Heck, Bogum was a year older than him which means they have different schedules. And not to mention that Bogum is a Business Major and Taehyung is an Art Major. But he just couldn't find it in him to shoo Bogum away since Bogum is literally an angel. Hence, the reason why Taehyung and his hyungs are in his apartment.

"Did you tell him you're not ready for a relationship yet?" Hoseok asked laying on Taehyung's bed along with Baekhyun and Jimin.

Where is the owner of the bed you ask? He is on the floor. Yes, Kim Taehyung, the owner of the apartment was sitting on the floor while his hyungs are on his bed. Either laying down or sitting up. That's how their friendship works I guess. (AN: Me and my friends irl)

"Well I did! But he got even more motivated and said that he would win my heart" Taehyung whined falling down to lay his back on the floor and staring at the ceiling.

"Did you try to just reject him though?" Baekhyun asked Taehyung.

"I did too! In the nicest and most polite way I can but the dude just got even more persistent!" Taehyung argues, now sitting up to look at Baekhyun.

"Well I have an Idea!" Jimin suddenly squealed and standing up.

"Why don't you just try and find yourself a new 'lover'?" Jimin exclaimed and flopped himself back on the bed.

"Bitch I told you I am not looking for any rela-" Taehyung argued only to be cut off by none other Jimin.

"This dumb bitch. I don't mean like a true relationship you idiot! I am talking about finding yourself a fake lover" Jimin defends himself.

"Well I guess that could work. But you gotta have to find someone better than Bogum. Cause I don't think Bogum will stop if you just forced some random dude who can'teven top up to him. Let's be honest here Bogum if hella fine" Hoseok said.

The room turned silent since everyone was thinking of a certain who can make Bogum stop bothering Taehyung. But unfortunately for them no one comes in mind. They all sighed at the same time and Jimin was to speak once more. But this time, he was beaten to it when Taehyung's phone ding-ed. He grabs his phone and saw a message from Bogum.


Taehyung's Phone:


Bogum: Hey Taebear! A band will be playing on the University tonight. I was wondering if you would want to come with me😊

That's nice Bogun Hyung but I am with my
friends as of the moment😁.

Bogum: Oh, you can bring them along as well.😊


Taehyung sighed in defeat. He knew that if he was to argue more, chances that Bogum will come to his apartment and fetch him will mostly likely to happen. And Bogum in his apartment is the last thing he would want. Not really because he feared that the older male will do something but because he knew that either way, he will end up in the park anyways.

"Bogum wants us to come to the UNI. He says that a band will play there."  Taehyung said, slowly getting up to get ready.

"Us? Or you?" Jimin sassed and teased Taehyung.

"Shut up and move before I drag you myself" Taehyung sassed back and they all laughed at the two quarreling males.


"Taehyung! Hey there!" Bogum greeted when he saw Taehyung entering the gates.

"Well, we're gonna go wonder around" Baekhyun said, more like excused so that they can escape the awfully awkward situation. With that said they scurried away leaving Taehyung glaring at their backs.

"Ow, I guess they didn't want to hang out with us then" Bogum states.

"I-i gues so" Taehyung only sighed. So far he can't really do anything but just to sigh allt he time. This is really troublesome for him.

As they were waiting for the band, Bogum suggests that they get something to eat as to which Taehyung just said yes to. He can't deny food after all. And he hadn't eaten his dinner yet so he just followed Bogum like a puppy to a nearby food stall. They eat in silence since Taehyung can't start a conversation. He feels that if he does, he will only give hope to Bogum.

After sometime, they finished eating and went near the stage. People are already starting to go there to since some were actually fond of the school band. I mean who wouldn't anyway? The band consists of talented and good looking boys so ofcourse they will watch it. Taehyung found himself watching as the band members gets into their positions.

And when the music starts, a soft velvet voice was heard. It was such a beautiful voice that Taehyung found himself searching for it. Then it happened. His eyes landed on the main Vocalist of the group. And Taehyung can't help but to stare at the male on the stage.

The male's ran hair was tucked under a red beanie but he still looks like a Greek God. His round doe eyes that glistens because of the stage lights. His cute pointed nose and his soft, pink and plump lips. When when he smiled through the song, Taehyung was reminded of a bunny. His body was way mascular and it can easily be seen since he was sweating due to his movements. Not too mention that he was only wearing a plain white t-shirt, blue jeans and a pair of Timberlands.

"Wow" Was the only word that comes out of Taehyung's mouth.

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