The spiritual stone

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"The spiritual stones"

Chapter 1

There was a world where Magic was born, a place where there is peace and free will for the people and a place that surrounded by wall of stones they call it "the stone walls". Long ago the place was full of battles when the Dark lord has sent his minions or so an army to kill the people from that land, but then the spirit king, King Shinobi, has use a powerful stones to create a wall for their protection. The stones were found from the center of their planet. Yes, they came from another dimension. There are three stones and each of them has unknown powers to reveal, that's why the spirit king is hiding it so the shadow lord won't get his hands on it or the whole world will ran out of peace.. Years from now had pass since the Dark lord's minions attack their kingdom and still the Dark lord strikes again, not only to kill the people but to get the stones guardians from the spirit king.........

Soldier: your highness!! The Dark lord is heading this way now!!

The soldier warns the king. Then the king's daughter went to them.

Rika: what is it, father?

Spirit king: Rika, my daughter, you have to leave this world.

Rika: why father? Is the Dark lord going to attack again?

Spirit king: yes. You and the two warriors, Takashi and Shoji, will go to earth.

Rika: but what about you father?

Spirit king: I'll stay for a while ... now go!

Rika didn't agree.

Rika: no! I will not leave without you father!

The king also doesn't want to leave his daughter but he has no choice. Her daughter must leave, that's the only way for her to be safe with the people of this world.

Rika: father?

Spirit king: I ordered you, Rika! Go now! Leave!

The spirit king shouted, and then Rika gasped and cried.

Spirit king: Shoji! Takashi!

The spirit king called. Then two men's appeared at his back, Takashi is tall guy, while Shoji is a little short and a little fat guy.

Shoji and Takashi: yes, your highness?

Spirit king: take my daughter to safety. I trust you two in this responsibility.

Takashi and Shoji: yes, your highness!

Takashi: we will protect her with our life.

Spirit king: good, now go!

The spirit king looks at his daughter and went to her.

Spirit king: Rika, I know you're brave and strong... and I have a mission for you. I want you to find this person that possesses the power of the stones. You alone know the power of those stones, you must teach that person...

Rika: but what if I fail?

He went to her and leaned down to embrace her.

Spirit king: I know you can and I trust you.

He wipes her tears falling from her face. Then she smiled like she always does.

Rika: okay, father... but promise me that will meet again.

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