Car sex (Angel x Husk)

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A chill ran up Angels spine as he felt calloused fingers run up his thigh beneath the table in Molly's dining room. He glanced over at the culprit, glaring at him from the side as he saw him grin.

God. Husk always had to pull some shit like this, but really? In front of his sister?

He pushed Husk's hand away discreetly, but he put it right back on his thigh, only a bit more inward.

Angel let out a quiet huff, trying to not let Husk distract him from what Molly was saying.

"Anyways, how have you two been? It's been a few months now, hasn't?"

"Oh, it's been great! It's been incredible." Husk answered, maintaining his stupid little grin. Angel squinted at him.

"That's good to hear." She smiled at the two, unaware of the hand now palming at Angel's crotch through his jeans.

Angel gripped at the table, feeling blood rush to his face as he pressed his thighs together. He smiled back at Molly, "Yeah, and uh.. yknow, this has been a really great visit Molly, but uh-" He choked on his breath a bit as he felt Husk starting to undo the button of his pants, "we really should be going now, actually!"

He stood and pulled his shirt down as much as he could- Molly luckily still didn't seem to notice.

"Oh, why cut this short, doll face? I'm having a ball here." Husk crossed his arms and smiled up at Angel. Angel shot him another glare and reached to pull him up by the arm.

"I have somewhere to be, and so do you."

"I don't remember having anywhere to go today." Husk raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I got a text earlier, and now we do."

Molly stared between the two. "...okay, well! That's fine! Rosie should be home soon, and if you two have somewhere to go, then that's no problem." She smiled brightly

"Okay! Cool, love ya sis," Angel started pushing a laughing Husk out the door, "I'll call ya later!"

The door shut behind them and Angel punched Husk's shoulder, which honestly didn't even hurt him. "What the fuck is wrong with you? In front of my sister!"

"Oh come on," Husk stopped laughing just a bit, "you like it. You love it, even. You'd love it if I pulled you back in there and started railing you right there on her table."

Angel blushed a bit more than he already had been. There may have been some truth to what Husk said, but he didn't need him to know that. He started pulling Husk down the stairs of the apartment complex back down to their car.

"Husk, if you did that, I would beat you up."

"Pff," he scoffed, "you couldn't lay a finger on me. I can easily overpower you any day of the week."

"No you couldn't! I can squirm."

"Is that so? And what if I tied you down then?"

Angel felt his heart skip a beat. "..then..."

"Then you couldn't do shit to me, kid." Husk grinned at him as they climbed into the classic red car. "And you love that. Don't you?"

Angel fidgeted a bit as he swallowed. He didn't have a response.

Husk held his grin and chuckled a bit. He started the car and left the apartments, but it wasn't long before he was putting the car in park again. They weren't home, though.

"Uh, Husky..? What're you-" Angel started as he watched Husk unbuckle.

"Get in the back seat."


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