Horn-y (Moxxie x Angel)

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"So...Mox," Angel began as he walked into the room, lazily sitting down beside the small imp, "I'm curious about somethin'."

"And, what would that be?" Moxxie asked, not looking up from the paperwork Blitzo had sent home with him.

"Well, yknow, those horns of yours." Angel lightly gestured towards them. "Are they just for show or? Do they got a purpose? What're they for?"

Moxxie glanced over at Angel, then back down at the papers as he scooted away just a bit. "I haven't given too much thought to them, honestly, but I ask that you don't touch them.."

The spider demon furrowed his brows a bit as he stared at the horns. And then the corners of his mouth twisted into a small grin.

"...don't touch 'em, huh? And why not?" He asked as he spread his upper set of arms along the back of the couch and crossed his bottom set.

"Because I asked?" Moxxie side eyed him a bit. He easily noticed the grin.

"So I can't even.. just, y'know," he reached over and barely ran his fingers along the end of one of the horns, making Moxxie visibly tense and blush a bit.

"No, no you can't-"

"And what if I just-" he grabbed the base of Moxxie's horn and stroked it a bit.

The imp gasped lightly and blushed darker. "A-Angel, I'm serious-"

"What's the matter?" Angel asked as he climbed fully onto the couch and sitting on his knees facing Moxxie. "Makin' ya horny?"

Moxxie didn't reply, but his reaction told all.

Angels grin grew as he inched towards Moxxie. "So THATS what they're for then, hm?... I think it's a great use.. perfect for grabbing onto and rubbing as I-"

Angel was interrupted as Moxxie grabbed his face and pulled him down for a hard kiss. His eyes went wide at the sudden action but he had no issue with it. He pulled himself closer to the imp and deepened the kiss.

Moxxie gave off a light moan as he felt Angel's lower set of hands starting to roam his body, grabbing at his clothes and feeling his skin. The upper set of arms, which had been placed over his shoulders, were traveling up to his horns. He could feel himself begin to tingle with anticipation.

As they started fumbling with each other's clothes, they pulled away panting. Angels face wasn't nearly as flushed as Moxxie's, but there was still a faint dusting of pink.

"Didn't realized it turned ya on that much." Angel breathed lightly with a grin.

"Oh, shut up and take your shirt off.."

Angel giggled lightly and sat up to pull his top off, stretching as he did so and allowing Moxxie to see just what he was working with.

The fluff on his chest looked much better than he could've imagined, and there were even more pink markings to match the ones everyone else could see. And oh, did he love it.

"You next, babe." Angel said with a wink, pulling Moxxie from his staring.

He took his top off as well, knowing the view wouldn't be nearly as impressive, but he noticed Angel staring.

"I.. I, uh-"

Angel pulled him in for another kiss as he laid the both of them back onto the couch with Moxxie straddling his lap. He reached up to start stroking his horns again, making Moxxie grind down against him and whine into the kiss.

"Mmm," Angel pulled away from the kiss again, "your horns are so sensitive... can I try something?"

Moxxie nodded hesitantly, but knew immediately what he was gonna do as soon as Angel grabbed his horns and pulled them down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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