Chapter 1 - Eyes

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Tears formed in my eyes as I struggled to catch my breath. My stomach ached, from the never ceasing laughter. I closed my eyes, still giggling as I kept on replaying the scene in my head. Opening an eye, I peeked a look at my still-laughing friends, and made eye contact with Dane. We held each other's gaze for a while, but seeing my face break into a smile, we both bursted out laughing.

"Stop making me laugh, please, my stomach hurts" I said in-between laughs.

"Stop looking at me then" She answered. 

We calmed down after a while. and headed back to the room for our afternoon class. But not even a minute had passed when Andrei said,

"My face hurts"

That was how we entered the room. Faces flushed and breathless from laughing.

I couldn't really concentrate on the film, my friends kept talking to me, and the audio was so hard to hear, I couldn't understand anything. So I gave up trying to watch. After an hour and a half of letting my eyes wander around the room and being lost in my thoughts, class was finally dismissed. In my head I sang, 'Hallelujah'. I walked on the hall, ahead of my friends, still feeling drunk from my thoughts when I caught his gaze.

I have always been so fond of gazing into the eyes of others. It's kind of scary though, I'm a naturally a shy person, but most times, I can't help myself but stare, at anyone, even the teachers, or some strangers, and if they look back, then we'll just have to maintain eye contact until one of us feels awkward and uncomfortable.  And I've never been the latter one. But for some reason, I couldn't keep up with him.

I have seen so many eyes, in my 18 years of eye-gazing. All of which the subjects had the same eye color. Bland and plain. Dark and mundane. But within those seconds, he made me feel like it was my first time seeing that color.

We all wear the same eyes, but why were his suddenly so different? Why did his shine, differently?

My head turned down and my palms felt sweaty. I distracted myself by facing my friends and laughing with them. But when I turned to look back at him. He was gone. I find myself looking, wondering,  where did he run off to. But again, a voice broke my train of thoughts.

"Do you guys think the staff will remember me?" Andrei asked.

We all looked at each other and laughed at the memory of what happened to her. Our laughter drowned out my thoughts, and I forgot about him.

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