Chapter 2 - Waves

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"One Grande Caramel Macchiato for Vea"

I laughed, they got my name wrong. Again. But I was too shy to say anything and correct them. Returning to my table, I took out my Sharpie and changed the 'V' to 'B'. Bea. Now that's my name. Satisfied, I sipped the coffee, carried my bag and wandered around the streets for a while. I wasn't really someone who would go out on a weekend for nothing. But I've been so stressed these past few days that I wanted to unwind for a little bit. My Me Time, as Dane and I would call it. I sat down on the benches by the store when it started raining. I didn't even bring an umbrella. Again.


I stopped and turned my head. 


Oh gosh, where is it? My eyes frantically tried to look for the source of the adorable sound. But just as I was about to search by the corner, a soft, little tongue licked my ankle, and I looked down to see a black kitten, curling its head on my feet, licking my ankle and resting its tiny paw atop my newly washed white shoes, leaving a little paw print of mud. But who cares about my shoes right now. In an instant my stresses were washed away and replaced by an uncontainable enthusiam. Not looking away from the God-sent creature, I grabbed my phone and took a photo of it.


I jumped a little from my seat. Startled by his voice that brought me back to reality.  I stared at him for a while. Curious. Wondering. Why on earth, did he talk to me. Then he waved a little and I realized I was still staring at him.

So, waving back, I answered, "Hi"

He smiled, and sat beside me. 

"You gonna take her home?" He asked. Nodding to the curled up kitten on my feet.

"I don't think so? Her mother may be looking for her" I answered, picking up the kitten and resting her on my lap.

"Oh, she doesn't have a mother. I've seen her here, wandering for two days now."

With that I have decided.

"Well then, I'm naming you Seph" I declared, holding out my newly adopted kitten.

He laughed, "Well that was quick," and I smiled, thinking, I guess we really do click with strangers sometimes.

"How about you, what's your name?" I asked



"Yeah, Taku, it's a nickname."

"Hmm, that's new. Well, it was nice meeting you, but I have to go now"

Smiling, he stood up and bid me goodbye, "See you tomorrow at school"

Walking away, I can't help but think, How vague. If I haven't seen him at school at all, I wouldn't even be talking to him.

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