How can i forget

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Wills POV

I have been at the hospital for two hours now Gabe and the others arrived shortly after I did. They wouldn't tell me anything about cole or dalton. Dana had fell asleep cuddled up to David who was also fast asleep. Gabe looked to me with glassy eyes and I felt my own eyes tearing up. These boys are my brothers and this shouldn't tear us apart my thoughts were interrupted by a petit nurse entering the waiting room.

" how are they?" Gabe asked the nurse gave him a sympathetic smile and began speaking:
"Cole should be okay a few cracked ribs and a bump to his head and leg he can leave in a few days. Dalton sub stained severe head injuries, internal bleeding and broken ribs, he hasn't woken up yet it could be a coma." The nurse finished and led us to Coles room.

cole lay there looking so pale in the white room, he was bruised all over his head and ribs bandaged. Gabe began to speak to him telling him it was going to be okay and that we were all here for him. cole opened his hazel eyes and looked around and as soon as he spotted us he bombarded us with questions about Dalton. i really wish we could answer.

Coles POV

it has been days since the accident and they have finally released me from this place but I'm not going anywhere without dalton. our parents have come and gone, daltons have stuck around.i always sit at the side of his bed holding his hand and telling him i love him but he never answers i only get the beeping of the heart monitor or the guys who have been great. i should eat and sleep more but i can bring myself to leave his side. i am still sore all over but its the ache in my heart that makes its presence felt.

i arrived at daltons hospital room and sat in my normal place by his bedside and minutes later the rest of the boys showed up and took seats around him. we all stayed silent and quietly prayed for him to open those beautiful eyes and finally tell me he loves me. for him to say he could hear me sing when i visited and he wanted to wake to join me but i don't know if he ever will. i want him to wake up. No i want to wake up because this has to be some crazy nightmare.

as we were all drifting to sleep something amazing happened, dalton squeezed my hand. i looked down at our intertwined hands then to his beautiful face, i woke the guys as dalton shot me a pained smile. dalton lifted my hand and lay it over his heart he looked over at the boys and said
"i love you boys, always my brothers"

he then looked to me, smiled and said
"i love you cola cubes, always have and always will, remember that okay."

the heart monitor began to bleep rapidly then the beeping levelled out thats when my world stopped. nurses and doctors flooded the room as i was dragged out kicking and screaming. i fought against whoever was restraining me and the doctors tried to restart his heart in some sequence 1,2,3 clear, 1,2,3 clear it kept playing over in my mind till it all stopped.

"time of death, 10:45am" the nurse stated and thats when i really lost it i ran to Gabe and latched onto him i screamed and sobbed till i thought my voice was gone too. Gabe held onto me for dear life as i clawed at his back and dropped to the floor.

"i cant cope how can I, I'm not ready for this Gabe it wasn't his time i cant say goodbye yet our adventure was still beginning!" i screamed as Gabe held me tighter.
"we will all miss him, cole. we cant say goodbye but he will always be watching he cant see you like this be strong for him little brother" Gabe said while crying.

letting go is hard, but forgetting is even harder.

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