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Incoming FaceTime call from Arrow

"Jensen," Thea called out to her best friend from the living room area of the trailer, "she's calling!"

As soon as Thea had spoken those three words, he sprinted from his bedroom and took a seat next to her on the couch. "Well, answer it!" He ordered, excited to see his daughter and godchildren.

Pressing the green button, Thea's face lit up with joy, seeing her twins and JJ on the screen. "Hi loves," she greeted them.

"Hi mom," the twins replied with a matching cheeky grin on either faces.

"Hi Auntie Thea," JJ waved excitedly.

"Hey, what about me?" Jensen pouted as he took the phone from Thea's hand.

"Hi daddy!" JJ squealed, a vivacious smile crawling up her face

"Hi Uncle J," the twins greeted him.

Taking her phone back and setting it against a couple books on the coffee table in front of them so it showcases both of them, Thea smiled sweetly at the children, "How are y'all doing?" Her heart filled with joy seeing their jubilant faces again. It may not be in person, but if this was the closest she could get to them, she'll take it.

"We miss you mama and J, we miss you a lot," Zeppelin replied, dragging the corner of his lips down with his fingers as he made a frowning face.

"When are you guys coming back?" JJ asked them as her adorable, little eyes filled with sadness.

"We aren't exactly sure. If everything goes how it's suppose to go and then press tour, maybe three months of filming and a month or so of press?" Jensen replied, his voice laced with sadness. He hated to be away from the kids so much. He loved Arrow and Zeppelin as if they were his own. He's been around them since their birth and he'll always be with them.

"Mom?" Arrow said, bringing Thea back to reality. Thea had been zoning out, thinking about everything. Mainly her children, but still everything at once. She knew this was a part of doing her job, but she couldn't help but to feel bad for being away from her kids for so long.

"Yes, sweetheart?" She responded to Arrow.

"Can you bring back some post cards from the press tour?" She asked her mother. The thing about Arrow was that she liked to collect post cards from unfamiliar places, even if she didn't go there herself. Though she was only five, it was her dream to travel the world and see all the cultures.

"Yes, of course, darling," Thea smiled with adoration for her daughter.

They conversations went on, some laughs were shared and eventually, the kids had to go to sleep. Jensen and Thea gave their farewells to their kids and sighed. They were really going to miss the kids.

"I can't wait to see them in four months," Jensen said in a breathy voice. It had been a long day and it was weird for him not to be spending it with his JJ.

"I can't wait to see them seventh months from now. It's like filming season five all over again except I don't get to come down every weekend." She responded, leaning back onto the couch.

"You have to tell them," Jensen advised.

"I know."

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sister, sister | 𝗷𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗲𝘀 [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now