Chapter 5

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Maybe Michael was a little late getting to the bakery, but he had gotten lost somehow. Michael didn't even know how he got lost, but he slipped in about half an hour before the bakery should close. He saw Calum sweeping, so he snuck quickly behind the baker and covered Calum's eyes.

"Guess who!" Michael sing-songed, earning a giggle from Calum that made him insanely proud. Maybe Michael was already developing a crush on the baker, but he was going to just swing with it.

"A radio show intern?" Calum made it sound like he wasn't sure at all, and Michael scoffed while pulling his hands away.

"You bet your cute arse it is!" Michael made an invisible hair flip while counting the blush on Calum's cheeks a success. Moving away to look at the array of cupcakes on display, Michael stared at one with a tally mark on it. "What does thou baker recommend for a cupcake?"

Calum was suddenly behind the counter, must've gotten there while Michael was staring at the cupcakes or something. The baker crouched down to be eye level with all of the cupcakes, before carefully taking the one with the tally mark decoration out. "This one, it's free for getting me to blush."

Michael thankfully took the cupcake, flashing a bright smile in return. "So if making you blush got a me a free cupcake, what else will it get me?"

"Make me blush again and you'll find out." Calum challenged and it was accepted by Michael. So totally accepted.

"I bet I can make you blush at least three times tomorrow." Calum paused as he contemplated Michael's offer.

"What do you get if you can?" The baker finally asked.

"A date with you?" Michael's response was instant with no hesitation, which made Calum smile and nod. "Great, so you free Sunday?" There really wasn't any doubt in Michael's mind that he could make Calum blush three times.

"I'll let you know tomorrow."

"Alright." Michael nodded, but he was already thinking of ways to get the cute baker to blush.


The next day, Michael had a plan. Well half of a plan. Maybe he was going to wing it mostly, but it was okay. If this didn't work he'd figure out another way to get a date. He'd actually get Luke and Ashton together so then he can complain about being stuck with them and get Calum to hang out with him.

First he was going to put his sort of not really plan into action. Luke gave him the okay to start talking and Michael started talking.

"Hello, Little Cliffords. I'm back again. For those new to this show, I've replaced Niall while he goes on holiday. So we're going to do things a bit differently. I have a problem. There’s a cute bakery boy who I gotta make blush three times today before he'll go out with me. Any suggestions?" Michael easily talked to people on the phone as they gave him tips on how they got together with their girl/boyfriend or what was done to them.

He made the show a very date centric one and it was pretty fun. Also not that he needed to get revenge on Luke; it was just something else to talk about. Michael made Luke talk about his own crush on Ashton, not that any names were mentioned. Just that Luke was crushing on a cute boy at his school.

The show continued without much of a hitch of any dramatics for the rest of the time and soon Michael was on his way to the bakery to talk to Calum and use some of the advice he'd gotten.

As soon as he walked in the door bell rung and Calum was leaning over the counter, smiling. Michael casually walked up and asked. "Did it hurt?"

Calum squinted at Michael in confusion. "Did what hurt?"

"When you fell from heaven, did it hurt?" Michael tried to keep up a serious expression, but the chat up line had always made him laugh by how bad it is. Calum cracked a smile and a bit of a blush appeared on his cheeks. "Whoa, I didn't think that line would work."

The baker shook his head at Michael with a giggle. "You've already made me blush a lot from you radio show. I'm going to be sad when you aren't on the radio anymore."

"If our date goes well, you'll still have me around in. I can become your own personal radio." Michael winked. "You free Sunday?" Calum nodded. "Here," Michael handed Calum his phone, "put your number in. We can work out all the details in the next couple days."

Calum saved himself in Michael's phone as Cute Bakery Boy and the two chatted for a couple minutes about what cupcake the lilac haired boy wanted to try that day.


From: Cute Bakery Boy
hows the cupcake?

To: Cute Bakery Boy
i had a great suggestion and they were right ;)

From: Cute Bakery Boy
they dont work in a bakery for nothing :p 


......hi. hows it going? i'm totally not supeeer late with this update. totally not. anywaaay. updates might actually be shorter but come faster????? maybeeeee. idk. but yet. next chapter will probably have malum date.

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