Story of the hope

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Hayley POV:

"Mommy, can you tell me... about  daddy", she whispered when she climbed at her bed. "Of course honey", I replied. " Your dad was the bravest creature that I ever met. He had such a big heart even though he didn't want to admit it. You got his heart up. He loved you so so much and it melt him inside out. When he saw you at the very first time he was devastated because he knew that you will be his biggest weakness and he couldn't lose you. You were our families only hope to be good, to be happy and to respect something.

He did everything to save you and our little family from our enemies but it wasn't enough my baby. He had too many of them and... and...", I tried to hide my tiers. "He had to go away from our home and you to give you a safe home and loving and caring peoples around you. You inspired him to be a better person. You get mommy and daddy together and united us. Your dad was as proud of you as I am honey. He believed to you and your abilities. He always said that you'll be the bravest and strongest wich that the world has ever seen. He used to call you our littlest wolf when he was alone with you... Okay little princess that's enough for today it's time to sleep", I said and take the blanket to cover her little arms.

"Mommy, I want daddy to come and sleep with me someday like you do and tell me his own stories about his and yours adventures by himself", she said with very sad voice. "Oh my little baby girl I want it too but it's impossible now. Daddy is sleeping with angels right now", I said calmly and rushed to bathroom. My tears come and I was crying silently. It was too hard to pretending like nothing happened. Like he had never died. It's too hard to lie to her about him. But I don't have much choices. I calmed myself and get to the her room. 

"Why you rushed out?" she asked. "It was nothing my baby. Mom get unwell feeling and had to leave to the bathroom", I answered. "Now it is the bedtime" "But mom I'm not sleepy yet. Can you tell me a story", she asked. "Which one you want to hear?" "The story of moon and sun", she said and take my hand and put it into her hairs. It was our bedtime routine. I started to stroking her hairs and start the story.

"Once upon a time there was a moon. Moon was in love with sun. He loved her so much that he died every day to let her breath and shine. And then happened eclipse. It was so beautiful and it merge them into one picture. It was the only thing that could unite them and it happened. It was their hope. After that moon and sun begin the understand each others. Moon noticed that he wasn't the only one who sacrificed his life for her. Sun was dying too. She died every night to let moon breathe. Both of them was sacrificing something. That merge begin to bring them closer and closer every day and night. Eclipse was given their the hope that they needed and they begin to call it Hope. After that they never seppered todally. They swear to eachother that they will always and forever find eachother with a little help of their Hope. Even if they have to seppear for long time to hide their little Hope"

I saw that she was already sleeping and get up to close the lights. "Good night Hope. Good night my clever little baby girl"

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