Crying together forever

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I was thinking about Hope when Andrew came into the room. I looked at him with concerned look and he immidiatly said "No Hayley. You are not gonna do that" He knew me so well that I didn't even have to tell him what I was thinking about. "But Andrew please. She wouldn't even notice it" I said softly. He smirked "Hayley are you asking me that can you go to stalk our daughter", he says teasingly. "No Andrew. I'm simply asking you to not to say anything about it to her cause I'm going there no matter what. Something in me says that she isn't okay. I have to see with my own eyes that there isn't anything wrong with her" He thought a few seconds and then said "You know how she'll react if she finds out about this", he said and I nodded and then said "She won't see me. And if you are gonna be silent about it, she won't found out" I said and looked at him with my pleased look. He smiled at me and then said "Okay I won't say anything to her. And by the way, sometimes you are such a control freak. I'm glad you aren't my mom" I looked at him little irritable and just said "Hah hah, very funny" And then I left the home.

I was goins to the car but then I thought that she can saw the car and notice me so I decited to walk. Her school wasn't that far away so it wouldn't be a problem. I started walking.

I was almost at the school when I saw my little girl crying in some strangers lap. I immidiatly run to them and took my litlle girl to my own lap."What happened sweety? Are you okay? Why you are crying? Did someone done something to you?" I asked while I was checking her for possible injuryes. Then I realized that that man could've done something to her. I was ready to yell at the man when I raised my head and looked at him. I was shocked. 

My eyes filled up with tears. I felt a pain going through my whole body like it was in my blood, or maybe more like in my soul. I don't know why or how but my animal instings kicked in and I wasn't in control anymore. My own wolf was controling me. Then my body suddenly hugged him. He was so shocked and so was I. It wasn't me that hugged him I can swear. I didn't even think about hugging him. I thought about beating his ass but somehow my inner animal, my wolf needed to hug him so much that it took over the control. I was hugging him so tightly. Or them to be exact. Hope was still in my lap so it was more like I was hugging both of them. Then he slowly responded to my hug with bringing his arms around me and Hope and hugged us. I didn't know why but this felt so good that I could bring myself to get back from it. Suddenly I realized that I was also crying. But why. Why all of this was happening to my body without even my will. I don't even know this man. What my wolf was trying to do.


When I was hugging my daughter after all these years I wanted time to stop. I was afraid that someone would took her from me. And that's exactly what happened. Someone suddenly took her from me and ruined the moment. I looked who this person was when I saw her. The love of my life. The mother of my daughter. My little wolf. She was asking Hope was she okay and stuff like that. She didn't even bother looking at me. 

I know that even if she would look or talk to me she couldn't recognize me because of that spell. A spell that she begged Freya to do to her shortly after I dissapeared. It was a spell that would block all her memories about me. Or more like blur them. She can remember our memories but can't remember anything clearly, especilly my face. They are like blured. She did the same thing also for Hope even if she was still so young that she wouldn't remember anything anyways. She did all that to protect her. So they could start a new life without my enemies following them. Without their memories and very well hidden no one could link them to me in anyways.

All of the sudden she raises her head and looks at me. First she looks like she is gonna kill me but when her eyes met mines her face turned white. But why? She didn't remember me. Or at least she shouldn't. Why she looked like she had just sawn a ghost. Suddenly her eyes was full of tears and then shortly after they turned into their beautiful yellow form. Her wolf was showing herself. Now I understand. Of course she don't remember me but her wolf remembers. Werewolfs has two memories, their human memories and their wolf memories. It's lot more harder to erease the memory of a wolf than a memory of a human. 

She looked deep into my eyes and quickly hugged me. I knew that it was her wolf doing it but still it felt so good. I was hugging my soulmate after almost 13 years. She thightened her hug and I felt my wolf coming out like hers. I can feel my eyes starting glow up. I slowly raised my hands and placed them into my wolves backs. One for my little wolf and one for my littlest wolf. I then hugged them so thightly like it was the last time I was gonna see them. After all these years I felt peace. It felt like there was just me, my queen and our princess in this whole world. Everything around us went just silent. Time stopped. There was just this place in whole earth and just this very moment. Everything that I could wish was in my arms hugging me and crying in this moment. Then I started crying with them. We cried together. I wanted to stay like this forever. Cry with them forever.Hugging each other  crying together forever.

Hello my darlings! Fisrt of all I wanted to apologize for you. I'm very sorry that I haven't uptaded for a while. It's because my school just started and I'm busy with it. Because of that I wrote a little longer chapter than I usually do. I hope that you enjoyed it. 

If you liked the chapter please vote for it and comment your thoughts on the comments section. I love to read them.

If you have any ideas or anything that you would like to see in the story, please message me. You can also write about them in the comments if you want so. Good ideas would help me a lot and if I get a good idea that inspires me, I will of course mention whos idea it was.

Thanks for reading my story and see you soon in the next chapter.

- Kisses Hemel ;)

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