Meeting him

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There he comes. How do I look. Do I look nervous because I surely am. He definitely does or so do I think. It's hard to read his emotiones. My head is full of questiones. They are mostly for myself but I have a few for him too. Is he here just because he feels like he owns it to me after what happened or is he here because he really wants to know me. What if he just wants something from me and not actually get to know me. Or is it possible that he just came to say to me that we can't see each other and he is leaving again. 

1,5 hours earlier

I felt the sun in my face. It was warm and comforting. I opened my eyes and looked out from my window. It was quite a sunny day even though it is almost autumn. I got up from my bed and went to bathroom. I gently took of my clothes and reached to open the water. Water started coming from the shower head. Then I slowly went under the water. It was little cold so I turned it to be warmer. I felt that warm water sliding down my curves. It felt good. I closed my eyes and concentrated on to sound of water hitting the ground. I was hearing every drop that hit ground and it felt peaceful like in a dream. 

And then it happened. It really turned into a dream again. Like it had happened two previous times. I was again in a dark place and heard voices. I couldn't hear exactly what the voices were saying or whom they were but I heard sertainely some mumbling. Then the voices started coming closer and closer and I saw that white light that was getting closer and closer. Then when the light reached me I let it in. I felt some sort of wave throughout my body and then the light turned into a clear vision. There they were again, mom, dad and baby me. I was sitting in a tiny bath tube and palying with my toys and they were watching me. Everyone was laughing. My mom looked like she didn't have any weight in her shoulders. I haven't seen her like this ever. And dad, well he looked like the dad I had always dreamed about. Loving thoughts me, happy and in love with mom. 

He suddenly stopped laughing and turned to my mom. He looked very seriously into her eyes and after a little staring he said 'You know I love you right?' Mom smiled and then kissed him. Then she said 'Not as much as I love you' Meanwhile I was still palying and splashed some water into them and they turned to me and dad said. 'Look Hayley, someone is a little bit jelaous apparently' They both laugh and then mom said 'Oh my baby girl we love you more then anything in this world' and then kissed my forehead. I smiled, and baby me smiled too. This was such a happy family picture in there. 

I was desperate to stay in that moment but it ended like every moment ends. I was again in my bathroom standing in the shower. I opened my eyes to disappointment of my real life when mom called me from downstairs. Apparently breakfast was ready and they were waiting for me. I came out of the shower and went into my closet to get dressed. 

After I had dressed I head to downstairs to eat. Mom and Andrew were waiting for me in the table. They don't ever start any meal without every member of family in the table if it is a weekend. I sat in my chair and said: "Good morning mom, good morning dad" They both responded with a "Good morning" and then we started eating. 

I was taking some eggs to my plate when Andrew said: "Are you all right sunshine? You look a little um... not like yourself" He had realized that my thoughts were all over the places and I couldn't focus on to this moment. He knows me so well that sometimes I wish he didn't. "I'm good dad, don't worry. I just didn't sleep well last night" I lied. 

I haven't lied to him since god knows when. He is always so understanding that I usually don't need to lie to him. But now there is something that I just can't tell to him. I can't say that I think that my biological father is alive and  by the way I also keep seeing these visions since I saw him for the first time. 

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