Chapter 28: Best Years

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"But I'll build a house out of the mess
And all the broken pieces
I'll make up for all of your tears

I'll give you the best years
I'll give you the best years
Past love burned out like a cigarette
I promise, darling, you won't regret
The best years"

~Best Years, 5 Seconds of Summer.


So I'm just gonna skip potential fight scenes to get the story going.


Hours later

It took a lot on Teams 7, 9 and 10 to get home, Minako's shadow clone helped on only getting them to somewhere near the Leaf Village since the real Minako was using  a lot of chakra.

They ran with what they got left and arrived at the village. They were greeted by several medical ninjas and Shikamaru.

"Take care of the children, get them treated right away." Temari said.

"You heard her." Shikamaru motioned the medic ninjas and they assisted the genin.

"Are you alright?" Shikamaru asked softly, only Temari could hear.

"Yes, I'm alright. Shikadai's exhausted though." Temari replied.

"He'll be alright. He's our son, after all." Shikamaru said.

Refusing to be taken care off, Mitsuki, whom was determine to report what Minako said.

"I need to report to the Hokage." Mitsuki said.

"Mitsuki, you don't-" Moegi was cut off by Temari. "We need him, he was with Minako-san."

"You aren't hurt, are you?" Moegi checked. Mitsuki shook his head. "Okay. Let's go." Moegi nodded.

"Take them to the hospital, we're going to the Hokage's office." Shikamaru said. A medic ninja nodded, "Don't worry everyone, you'll be alright."

After that Shikamaru and the rest left, sprinting and leaping to make the journey to the Hokage's office quicker. "These past 2 days, a lot happened but we manage to keep it hidden from everyone. I hope the three of you have something to help us know what's happening."

Even being tired, Temari, Moegi and Mitsuki weren't going to be defeated by their exhaustion not until they finish their mission. They catch a breather as Shikamaru stopped before the door.

"Lord Seventh along with Lord Sixth are talking to someone exclusive, nobody should know other than us." He said.

The three nodded then Shikamaru knocked.

"Who's is it?" Naruto's voice was heard. "It's me, Shikamaru. I'm with representatives of Team 7, 9 and 10."

There was silence, as if Naruto was hesitant. "We've come to report our mission, Hokage-sama. We also bare urgent news." Moegi said.

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