Chapter 30: Old Me

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"All of the mistakes I made, I made, I made
Whatever the price I paid, I paid, I paid
Shout out to the old me
And everything he showed me
Had to fuck it up before I let you get to know me..."

~Old Me, 5 Seconds of Summer.



While Minako was out, the twins spent their time in the hospital with Itachi as he told various stories about Minako and part of his childhood. Of course, he can't really say it out loud and in the open that he killed the entire Uchiha clan although with the help of a criminal and with the exception of not killing Sasuke.

Night arrives and Sasuke was discharged. Kakashi went home and Naruto was dragged by Boruto to their home. Although they did promise to visit back.

There was a knock on the door and it was the father - daughter duo, Sasuke and Sarada bringing food. "Mama said that all of you can sleep here since she didn't want Minako-oba-san to wake up alone. Preventing a disaster, she said." Sarada said and sweatdropped.

They put the food down on the table. "Thank you!/Thank you." The twins said. "This will fit all of you right? Including Minako." Sasuke said. Itachi nodded.

"Also here's packs of dango. Don't tell your mother." Sasuke added and placed the dangos in another spot. "Uwahhh!!" The twins exclaimed softly. They rummage through the plastic bag, and grabbed one dango respectively.

"Put that down, no dango before dinner." Minako sternly said, which surprised her children. This made Itachi chuckle softly. Minako added, "What are you laughing at Itachi? You're no better than your children."

Itachi sweatdropped and it was the twins turn to chuckle. "Nee-san, are you alright now?" Sasuke asked after snickering.

"I think so.."

"Mama said that you'll probably be discharged tomorrow, oba-san." Sarada said and smiled. "Oh.. really? Thank goodness." She lets out a breath and then added, "Anyway, thank you for the food."

"No problem, right Papa?" Sarada looked up to her dad. He nodded, "It's no big deal. Sakura asked me to do so. We should get going then."

"Ah right.. Mama's probably done with making dinner. Take care, Oba-san!"

"Take care too, Sarada." Minako smiled sweetly. "You guys too! Shisui, Akane and you too Oji-san!" Sarada waved as she went outside before Sasuke. They waved back.

"We'll be back tomorrow nee-san, nii-san." Sasuke said. Itachi nodded and smiled. "Thank you for the dango, Sasuke-oji-san!" The two said, which made Sasuke smile and nodded in return, after that he closes the door to leave the other Uchiha family to their own privacy.

"Here, eat it while it's still hot." Itachi said as he propped up the little table in front of Minako. He lovingly prepared the food too, placing everything where it won't be a hassle for Minako. "Thank you.." Minako smiled.

She heard her children snickering which made her tick again, "You two, shut up and eat!"

"H-hai!" Shisui and Akane scramble in getting the food out.


----- Morning ------

The twins left to go home as the "adults" arrived to discuss about what was happening. A slip of information could cause unnecessary panic inside the village so only the trusted were there, the door was closed shut and were guarded by ANBU Black Ops.

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