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Luke's POV

Midnight, new year, new life, new begging.. I don't want any of that, the bands gone down hill and Mia's still not came back.

As I sat their in the bathroom looking at my reflection I seen a bottle hanging out the side of the cabin, I reach for it, whatever it is, it will do.

I twisted the cap open, placing 12 pills into my hand and getting water from the sink.




I taken 6 and then the next 6.

"Luke come on" Ashton shouted from downstairs.

"I'm sorry" I cried out realising what I've done.

"For what" I didn't reply "Luke what have you done" he said opening the door.

"Shit" he cursed after his eyes had trailed the bathroom finding a bottle of pills " don't tell me you" I nodded.

"I miss her" I cried and he came and hugged me "I wanna be with her" "let me go"

"Luke I don't want to" Ashton cried back. "Calum call an ambulance" "NOW"

"Why" a muffled shout came back from Calum

"Just call one and get Mikey and both come up hear" he cried down to him.

"Luke, don't give up on us, okay"

"I want to" I know it's selfish, I shouldn't of done this.

"What's he, oh god" Calum dropped to the floor crying and mike came behind him.

"Luke, no Luke" he cried coming into mine and Ashton's hug.

I felt week and my head was hurting.

"Don't give up Luke" Calum cried seeing my eye lids start to drop.

I felt numb, I felt happy, most of all I was a peace.

"No Luke" the three cried out and then the numbness took over.

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