The Return

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"So, you guys really are the Power Rangers?" Toby asked, looking around at his employees. They had come into the store early this morning so that they could help him wrap his head around the new secret he was being trusted to keep.

Chip grinned as Vida and Maddie nodded in confirmation.

"Okay, uh, Nick is the Red Ranger," said Toby.

"Right," Nick confirmed.

"And Xander is Green,"

Xander nodded.

"Madison - Blue."

Maddie winked.

"Chip - Yellow."

Chip grinned.

"Kali - Black."

Kali nodded.

"And, Vida - Pink."

Vida rolled her eyes, She was still disappointed in her choice of colour, it seemed.

"Okay, so, Nick is also the son of Udonna, the White Ranger," Toby continued. "And Leanbow, a powerful wizard who is also Koragg, the guy who's been trying to trash the city. But he's a good guy. It's just nobody knows what happened to him."

Maddie smirked as she nodded. "I'm impressed, Toby, that's quite -" she broke off as Toby held up his finger, silencing her.

Kali bit back a laugh.

"Now, Nick is also the light," Toby continued. "The power to stop evil from taking over. But the bad guys are looking for the light so that they can destroy him and the rest of the world."

"Exactly," Chip said.

"Silence," Toby interrupted. "Now, Kali, is also the daughter of Eithne, the former Black Ranger and Calindor, a good guy turned bad guy?"

Kali nodded.

"She's also known as the Hellhound," Toby added. "The keeper of souls and guardian of the Mystic Realm."

"Apparently," Kali muttered. The night after she had been rescued, Udonna had explained in great detail to Kali the role of being a Hellhound. She had explained that Kali hadn't just inherited her mother's abilities and control over darkness, she had been born for a specific role within the Mystic Realm. As it's guardian, she was responsible for its protection against outside forces, including the Masters.

Toby nodded and turned to LeeLee. She had been standing silently behind him, listening and waiting her turn in the story. "Now, LeeLee's mom is the Queen of the Vampires. Who did carry me off, so I guess I can stop seeking professional help now."

The team laughed.

"Sorry about that," LeeLee apologised.

"And - and - and now, the ten terrors are here," said Toby, returning to his earlier train of thought. "Trying to call forth the head honcho himself - you know, the Master of all evil. And you know what that means?"

Screams from outside drew everyone's attention to the door. Kali furrowed her brow and checked her Morpher, sharing a look with Maddie as it showed no indication of evil anywhere in the city.

"It means that you guys won't be working your regular hours for a while," said Toby. He paused and turned to LeeLee. "Looks like it might just be me and Lee-squared for a bit."

The screaming outside grew louder as the door to the store opened and Phineas walked inside. "Ahh! Ohh!" he yelled back. "You think you'd never seen a Troblin before." He slammed the door behind him.

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