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Eleanor organized her magazines and records, as she always did on weekends, the girl had several albums by bands and several magazines by artists of the time and the 60s / 70s.

- Ok! The Misfits, Ramones and Sex Pistols part is in order, now it's just about the Beatles, Queen and Led Zeppelin - Eleanor said to herself when she finished packing her records

Someone knocks on the door and the girl screams "come in!", It was her little sister

- Hi El, sorry to bother you, a guy called here saying he wants to talk to you about a job offer

When saying that Eleanor jumped, without believing, the girl started jumping with joy

- my God Pearl! This is really good! I am very happy, you can tell him since I am coming down!

The youngest laughed and left the room.
Eleanor froze trying to understand what was going on and realized when her sister shouted for her to come down soon.

The girl went down and answered the phone

- Hello? I'm Eleanor!

- Hello Eleanor, nice to meet you, I'm Chester, I have a job offer for you and I hope you accept, continuing, my proposal is that you take care of Metallica for 6 months!

- Metallica? I know them, a huge and very famous band, I like them! I accept your proposal! - said Eleanor trying to hide her hysteria

- Wow very good! Thanks for accepting this proposal, we can meet tomorrow at 11:30 am at the downtown cafe to talk about the contract, your salary and some rules

- alright Chester, thank you very much! Goodbye!

The girl hung up the phone and ran to talk to Pearl

- Pearl! - Eleanor shouted - I won the job !!

Pearl did not believe it when Eleanor spoke, she was very happy that her sister got the job as a band helper

- good El! I am very happy for you! Now go to sleep it's late and I believe you have to wake up early tomorrow

Eleanor nodded and went to get ready to sleep. She spent a few minutes thinking, "Is it worth it?", "Was it a good idea?", "Are they good people?" These thoughts took over the girl's head so much that she ended up falling asleep

AQUARIUS   /  /   James Hetfield Where stories live. Discover now