The car ride.

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After all my lessons were finished I said goodbye to Crystal, and went outside the school. 

Since my mom was at work, I had to walk home, it was about a 30 minutes long walk, so I wasn't looking forward to it.

As I started walking, I heard someone call my name "Bea!?"

I turned around to see Dylan standing by his expensive looking car.

"Yeah...?" I started to walk towards him.

"You need a ride home?" he said with a big smile on his face.

I didn't know what to do. I did need a ride home, but I also remembered what Crystal told me about all about the drama that would come if I went out with him.

But then again, what bad could happen from one car ride, so I said, Yes.

"Jump, in" Dylan opened the door like a gentleman, with this big grin on his face.

We drove in silence for about a few minutes, when he finally broke the silence. "So how was your first day?"

"Actually quite nice! I made a new friend, Crystal. Do you know her?"

"Yeah, she's nice. Although she can be a bit... too excited some times."  

"Yeah, just like your girlfriend" I said without thinking.  Ohh, I've just ruined it all for me.

"Alyssa is not my girlfriend." he said laughing. "I know she might act like it, but she's not. And besides, I like someone else" he said looking outside the window.

I was relieved by the first part, but a bit sad from the second. He liked someone else. I knew I didn't have a chance of him liking me, so I asked "Well who is this lucky girl? She must be beautiful..."

" I can't tell you, who he is. But I can tell you that she is very beautiful," Dylan smiled.

Well, this was fun. I had my first crush, and he already was in love with someone else... 

I didn't want to look at him anymore, so I turned my head to the window, and was thinking on driving the rest of the ride silent, when he suddenly spoke up

"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh.. Nothing..." I drifted

"Tell me" he said excitedly, a bit too excitedly.

"And Crystal is the excited one" I laughed

"Hey!" he pouted, and then laughed with me.

"No really, what is it?" he said this time concerned "You seem a bit down...."

"Well. There is this boy, that I maybe like. But he would never like me back, Plus I'm not that pretty as the girl he actually likes.." I sighted

"Hey, you're beautiful! And if this guy doesn't see that, he's an idiot" he said putting his hand on my leg, and then quickly removing it as soon as I noticed it.

I was blushing. Did he just call be beautiful? What the hell was happening.??

We drove in silence the rest of the ride, when I finally pointed at my house, and Dylan pulled in.

"Thanks for the ride." I smiled at him.

"No problem, my lady." he gestured.

I let out a little giggle.

"Bye."  I said waving at him as he pulled out the drive way.

When I walked inside, I still had a smile on my face. Gosh, his smile is so contagious, I thought.

"Who was that?" Alex asked teasingly right when I walked in.

Alex is my 18 year old sister. She is the complete opposite of me. She has the perfect body, beautiful wavy blonde hair and she was way more confident than me. But we loved each other very much. 

"That was my ride" I said trying to tell her as little information as possible

I loved Alex, but she loved to gossip, and I couldn't trust her with my secret crush just yet.

Before she could ask me anymore questions, I ran up stairs to my room.

I floped down to my bed and closed my eyes.

"Uhh, what a day" I thought to myself.

I turned up some alternative/indie  music and  started writting my blog.

I started my blog when I was 14. It was my little escape from reality. And in the past years, I've earned quite a few readers, 6'000 to be exact.

On my blog I didn't have to pretend to be anybody else, I was completly myself and I loved it.

I began writting a blog post, when my phone beeped....

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