The party!

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It was Friday night and I was at Crystal's place. We were both getting ready. 

"Tris, you're sure you don't want wear something from my closet?"

"Yes. Crys, don't get me wrong, your clothes are amazing, but...."

"But what?"

"But, I don't think they would fit me.." I said looking at the ground.

"Okay, Listen." she put her straightener down and sat next to me on her bed."YOU, are perfect. You're body is absolutely amazing"

I blushed. "You really think so?"

"Yes, so get up and try this dress on. Trust me, It will look amazing."

"Okay.." I went into the bathroom and changed. Crys had given me this navey blue dress with some lacey detail on it and a black little belt around the waist. It was beautiful. I tried it on and went into her room.

"Soo..." I said it more like a question.

"It looks amazing on you!" she beamed. "Ok, now let me do your hair and make up"

"Ok." there was no point on arguing with her, and besides, she did make up really well, so I just agreed.

After about an hour we were both ready.

The party started at 8 o'clock and we got there half past eight.

We walked in to see a room filled with Freshman and Sophomores dancing, or more like just jumping around to the crazy beat, that the DJ was blasting. Most of the people were already drunk, so grabbed Crystals hand and followed her around. We walked to Connor and a bunch of other guys. 

"Hi, Conn!" Crys squealed in a high pitched voice and hugged Connor.

"So this is Beatrice, my best friend." se introduced me to the other guys.

"Hi.." I said quietly.

"So you guys have fun, while I get some drinks with Connor" Crystal said leaving me.

I was angry at her. How could she just leave me with some drunk guys, that I didn't even know.

I wandered around for a bit trying to find Crystal or Dylan.

"Bea!!" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Dylan with a bear in his hand.

"Hi, Dyl." I said, glad that I finally found someone who I actually knew.

 I went in for a hug, but he placed a kiss on my cheek. I wasn't expecting that.

"Um.. so how are you?" 

"I'm fine. And you know who else is fine? You" he shouted

He was obviously drunk.

"Wanna dance?" he asked me.

"Sure" And we pushed through some drunk sweaty body's and got to the middle of the living room where everyone was.

We started dancing, I could tell that Dylan was really drunk, by his weird dance moves and arrogant attitude. I didn't like him like that.

"Dyl, I think you've had enough to drink" I said to him softly, when he started drinking something from a red cup.

"Hey, Don't tell me what to do." he mumbled and almost fell to the ground pushing some people over.

"Mhm. Come on." I caught him and guided him outside the room by his arm.

"Did you know, that you're beautiful" he mumbled in his drunk voice.

"Huh, Is that true?" I helped him get to someone's bedroom and flopped him on the bed. I was heading out of the room, when he said:

"Yep. Now come sit with me." he patted on the space next to him

I sat down. He was scaring me a little. He never acted like this.

''Did I tell you, you look pretty?" he said sitting up.

"Yes, two times already."

"Well you do." he said leaning into me. 

I knew what he was doing. And I also knew that he was wasted, and probably didn't know what he was doing.  So I tried to pull back.

He pressed his lips on mine. He tasted like alcohol, but his lips were soft.

But I didn't want to do it like this, so  I pulled back.

But he didn't let me go, instead he pulled me even closer. I tried to push him away, but he became aggressive.

"Dylan.." I tried saying, but he once again pressed his lips on mine and grabed me so I couldn't get up.

"Dylan!" I screamed in terror I didn't like this. I didn't want this.

Suddenly the doors opened and I saw Connor and Crystal standing there. 

As soon as Connor realized what was happening, he run up and pulled Dylan away from me.

I jumped up and ran to hug Crystal.

"Hey, baby, we weren't finished" he mumbled as Connor dragged him away.

I started crying and Crystal hugged me even tighter.

We quickly got out of the party and she drove me home. I didn't stop crying the whole ride.

"I'm sorry, Bea. I should have never left you alone. I didn't know Dylan would be such a jerk. I'm sorry, Bea" she tried to calm me.

"It's not your fault, Crys" I finally said while wiping my tears with my arm.

"It's Dylan, who's fault it was." I said starting to cry again.

"He was drunk, you know that, right." she softly said

"Yeah, but doesn't give him the reason to..." I couldn't finish the sentence.

I was hurt. I trusted Dylan. And then he did that... I was angry at him. I didn't want to see him again.Ever.

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