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bed creaking is the only thing that could be heard in my apartment during most of the nights...I don't even know how many days in a row has it been. I stopped counting after two weeks passed honestly.
I seriously dont understand how can someone have sex every night all night long HOW?
I've been looking at my ceiling for God knows how long, after another minute passed my gaze fell to the alarm clock next to my bed.

soon is my chance.
horny bitches take a break every night at 3AM, I usually put on some music or bury my head in pillows, in order to fall asleep before they start wanking again.
yes of course I tried doing that WHILE they are at it, didn't work.
I also tried going to bed early, also didn't work since it probably has to be quite early and I'm not able to fall asleep.
how did I even end up in this place, for christ's sake?
that's an easy question!
around 8 months ago I moved back here, in Korea, from Australia. this was the first time my parents let me live on my own, and this decision was quite rushed considering that I was in Australia for only like, a month. well anyway, I had to live With someone.
of course all of my friends offered me a place to live but I couldn't just invade anyone's home; so I choose hyunjin. believe me or not at some point I was happy about moving in.
the greatest mistake of my life .
now, as you can see I get no sleep and all that because hyunjin and seungmin can't control their hormones for two fucking seconds!

well this was longer than expected...they usually wake me up around? 6? or something like that. I don't even know, this extreme lack of sleep is not doing me any good.
groggily I get up and move to the kitchen hoping to avoid human beings that reside in this hellish household.
I fail. aha did you expect anything else?
the first thing to see in the morning are seungjin making out on OUR kitchen fucking TABLE, and fucking jisung. just wonderful.
"I eat there, you fuckers"
I try yelling, but I'm freaking tired so it comes out mostly like a whine.
"sorry felix" both of them look at me apologetically, and I just roll my eyes.
as soon as I'm about to move to get a breakfast,,, someone scoffs. who could it be?
ah, it's just jisung.
woah, let me tell you about jisung, he—
he is just a bitch, there's nothing more to him, simply—a bitch. when I was choosing where to move I certainly did not expect my least favorite person to live here as well. I didn't even know seungmin was here, if I'm being honest. BUT WHY HIM?
I know why, we are all supposed to be friends, but it's just not working between us, I guess? I just see him and I already know I can't stand his existence. feelings are mutal of course.
every single fucking time I breathe he has to scoff or make some other sound to let me know he is annoyed. I play along.

but everything is going to be alright, I will get out of here, once....

𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 [𝐣𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐱]Where stories live. Discover now