watch what you lose

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When days are slow and long as hell
I think of you and how you smelled
The time we shared now gone forever
Reminded of the day I had left her

I live with regrets that shall not cease
Ive made mistakes and will find peace
Except for one which I cannot forget
All i think about is the child ive left

To go back now would make no sense
An' endless remorse has left me dense
Every night im left with endless 'joy'
The day I left my darling baby boy

To the world i left and the joy ive drained
Only ironic by the pouring rain
Rain inside is something unreal
But my drenched shirt is all i feel

Crying with hope that i can return
Fooling myself when i was too stern
I said too much because of the beer
She warned me of this just last year

Told to watch all that i say
Told to "stop or i wont stay"
Warned so much and yet i ignored
All my life and my marrage is torn

To all that listen to the voice of your love
To all that worship and never would shove
To all the know the pain that is felt
Careful of actions or love will melt

This is a warning to those who are free
If freedom means ending marriages then its not meant to be
Your spouse is the one who was always there
The one who will try when others dont care

So when you think of drinking or doing dumb shit
Do yourself a favor and know when to quit
My words are now finished so its up to you
Just know your spouse loves you so watch what you do

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