01: Unusual

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Hi there, i put a chill song on multimedia bc i just feel like it. and i hope everyone is doing well. enjoy!

wooyoung's lost in his own thought, he kind of hated here. everything's here is very strange, contrast with him. he sighed, he needed to do something rather than staying on his bed all day.

he hasn't done his first task, yeah what else, helping people to do their sins. is that weird that a demon feels bad doing it? it shouldn't be.

"relax wooyoung, you can do it." he said to himself. still, he won't be provoking people to do huge sin. he only made them do the smallest. he kind of felt bad for them, oh wooyoung what kind of demon are you?

the opposite with san, countless of people had been provocated by him. ever wonder why people can be good but commit to something bad anyways? it's one of san's job. or what he did. taking away innocence, made them commit to lot of unholy behavior. what can you expect? it's san the demon. robbery, murder, lusts and so much more, san made them commit to it.

but just why, he always meet san. san is everywhere he goes, both of them rarely talked. san would just wink or smile cockily and wooyoung brushing it off with an eye roll. how annoying.

san might be annoying but to be honest he looks good. his body proportions, built and all. wooyoung can't take his eye off him right now, his eyes probably looked like it will fall off. busy admiring the black grey haired man across him. okay the gay in wooyoung jumped out.

"enjoyed eye fucking me, angel?" that cold toned voice snapping wooyoung out of his daydream. "stop. calling me. angel." wooyoung said between his gritted teeth. "oof, in all seriousness you're different." san leaned against a pillar in front him.

fuck, wooyoung thought. he regret breaking rules that he got to be sent into hell. and now, this one demon existence doesn't help either. "listen san, it's none of your business of why did i get here." wooyoung sighed.

"yeah too bad, you're here with me. let's play a game then."
"what kind of game played in hell?" wooyoung raised his eyebrow.
"compete to corrupt or provoking people?"
"IS THAT EVEN A THING?" wooyoung basically making san's ear hurt right now.
"shit, yes it is woo, c'mon you said you're 1000% better than me." san raised an eyebrow, mocking wooyoung.

what am i getting myself into, but wooyoung will be wooyoung. aside his rant about hell, his competitive ass wouldn't say no to san's offer. he barely do his job, but as cocky as he can be he'll take the offer gladly.

"fine i'm in, watch me climbing up higher than your rank here, san."
"no way."
"you're annoying woo, why do i even bother to talk with you."
"shut up, get back to your own work. and i don't care for being annoying since you already annoyed me since day 1 here so, no regrets. adios san!" wooyoung make his way out of the hall, leaving san.

he's cute, san thought. no he should be a rival, but he cute. well it's san now having battle between his heart and brain.

so wooyoung spent his day walking around, exploring places he's never been into. until someone bumped to him. "sh- sorry, i wasn't looking." the man in front of him apologize, picking up his stuff. "it's okay- OH GOD YEOSANG??" wooyoung's eyes widen.

"woo? i missed you, how did you end up here?" yeosang pulled him into a tight hug. "ugh, it's a long story sangie, how you been doing? it's almost what 2 years since the last time we met?". both now having small talk, sharing laughter and catching up on each other. yeosang is wooyoung's best friend, they used to stick around each other like glue. until one day, yeosang called to be sent into hell.

that day, both of the boys spent the night crying cuddled up to each other. "farewell night" they said, they ended up crying because they played this "tell me things you loved about me" game that they made up themselves. wooyoung lost his voice the next day.

now the two reunited and couldn't be happier. at least now wooyoung doesn't have to survive this hell alone.

"woo, have you maybe made friends with someone here? you should meet my friends too, they'll come over to my place." yeosang excitedly tell him, eyes sparkly. "i don't make friends, i already have an enemy here, yeosangie. and he's a big annoying asshole i can't." wooyoung annoyed by the thought of the demon.

"who's that big annoying asshole? maybe i know him?" yeosang asked. "i'll tell you later, for now please can we go to your place i'm starving and i'm sure you always have snacks, please." wooyoung let out his puppy eyes trick, that obviously worked. "okay, stop using that eyes, you know i can't say no to it." yeosang rolled his eyes, while now wooyoung clapped his hands excitedly.

"YEOSANG BEST BOYYYYY." the whole hell probably could hear wooyoung because he is that loud.

it's only a short update, and i didn't have target of how long a part should be. hehe.

anyways, don't forget to wash your hands and stay hydrated. have a good day!

and feel free to have any suggestions for the next part, i might consider it.

thankyou for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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