Illusion (English)(Takuran)

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One Shot

Sad Story (Sorry poh)

Kirino x Shindou (TakuRan)

English Story


Kirino Ranmaru is a lonely person ever since she was young. She basically shut herself away from the world. Until she met HIM. His name was Shindou Takuto. They became the best of friends. They almost did everything together. ALMOST. They don't go to school together, nor eat together,nor walk together outside while talking. Whenever they're outside, Shindou would usually ask Kirino to walk silently. When Kirino goes home from school, she bolts up to her room and locks it. There she starts to cry about her problems. But then... a knock was heard on the door.


Kirino quickly wipes her tears and greets Shindou with a smile.

"Hello Shin-sama"

"Kirino-chan? Are you ok?" Shindou says, with a hint of worry in his voice

"Yeah of course I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?" Kirino reassures Shindou although sadness is visible in her eyes.

"You cried, didn't you?" Shindou asks Kirino with suspicion

"No. I did not" Kirino says, a bit hesitant

"Yes, you did! Because I-" Shindou stops in the middle of his sentence

"You what?" Kirino asks, tilting her head a little

"Uhm.... because I.... see trail marks of tears on your face?" Shindou says, unsure of whether or not Kirino would buy his excuse

"Really?" Shindou's heart started to beat faster as he heard Kirino speak with suspicion

"Y-yeah. Hey, wipe your face!" Shindou decided that changing the subject will lessen suspicions

"Nuh" Kirino speaks tiredly

"Fine! I'll do it" Shindou goes closer to Kirino and places his warm hands on her face and wipes her tears with his thumb. Kirino blushed as she felt Shindou's soft fingers, rub against her skin

"Much better..." Shindou whispers

"Thanks..." Kirino says in a small voice that can be compared to a whisper

"Welcome" Shindou says, with a smile present on his face "Now tell me... why did you cry?" Shindou turns serious as he asked this question


"Come on, you can rant to me about it. I'm a good listener"

"Well... its those girls at school... they keep teasing me and it's annoying" Kirino rambles

"Then ignore them" Shindou suggests

"I do ignore them. They just don't stop" Kirino states, sadly

"Then why don't you tell your parents?" Shindou asks

"They can't do anything about it anyway" Kirino says with a sigh

"How about telling the principal?" Shindou suggests

"I can't. One of the bullies is the principal's daughter. Besides, she'll turn it to her favor when she has the chance." Kirino explains

"Oh well... you know," Shindou sighs

"Yeah?" Kirino asks tilting her head a little

"I wish I could go to school with you and help you" Shindou says, downhearted

"You don't need to do that. Besides, you cheer me up by being here!" Kirino assures him

"Well... I'm glad I do" Shindou smiles

"Thanks, Shin-sama" Kirino fiddles with her fingers

"Huh? For what?" Shindou tilts his head

"For always being by my side and being my friend" Kirino smiles as she says this statement

"I'm grateful that you're happy! Although, you need to have another friend, besides me"

"But you're the only one I need to-" Kirino was cut off her sentence when Shindou spoke

"W-wh-what?" Shindou asks as he blushes in what Kirino was saying. Kirino realizes what Shindou thought her statement meant and clarifies:"UH! I don't mean it THAT way!!! I mean that... you're the only friend I need!!!" by this point she was also as red as Shindou

"O- oh"

After that awkward moment, they decided to play for a while and tell jokes to each other. Such happy times, right?

~timeskip a few years~

Kirino started making friends at school. Kirino also started playing soccer so she earned a lot more friends like the members of the soccer club. That's good since Kirino isn't lonely anymore. Although, Shindou is already starting to be transparent.

"Tadaima! (I'm home!)" Kirino says, putting her shoes on the rack. After that, she bolts up upstairs and opens the door to her room to only find Shindou inside.

"What are you doing here?" Kirino asks, completely dumbfounded

"I'll talk to you later. Change your clothes first" Shindou speaks, getting out of the room


"So, what do you want to talk about?" Kirino was intrigued, to say the least

"Kirino-chan, I-" Shindou starts, avoiding Kirino's gaze

"You what?" Kirino notices that Shindou is avoiding eye contact

"Just look..." Shindou shows Kirino his hand. Kirino looks shocked and stutters on her words

"Y-yo-your h-ha-hands! T-they're t-tra-transparent!" Kirino says, freaking out

"I'm starting to fade away" Shindou says with a look of sorrow present in his eyes

"W-wh-why?" Kirino asks trembling a little

"Because...I'm not real. You don't need me anymore, so I'm starting to fade away" Shindou explains

" THAT'S NOT TRUE!!! I STILL NEED YOU!!!" Kirino shouts with anger and sorrow. Shindou was stunned at Kirino's statement.

"Because, I love you, and I need you by my side." Kirino starts to calm down but bursts again

"Don't leave me alright! Don't leave me like what they did, you promised me that!" Kirino recalls the promise Shindou made to her

-4 years ago-

"Promise me you won't leave ok?" a young Kirino asked Shindou that was the same age as her

"I promise!" the young Shindou promised enthusiastically


"But it's not in my hands anymore..." Shindou says, recalling his promise

"Alright... I understand" Kirino nods, still feeling downcast. They stay silent for a few seconds. Kirino decided to hug Shindou

"Thank you for everything. I love you" Shindou blushes at Kirino's statement

"I- I love you too" Shindou says, hugging Kirino back. They stay in that position for a few seconds until Shindou completely disappeared. Tears start to form in Kirino's eyes as she released her sorrow for losing her friend that has always been there. Kirino started crying.

'You'll stay in my memory and heart forever...'

'I'll stay by your side forever, even if you don't see me anymore'


Sooo...yey tapos na! Finally!!! Ang hirap nito isulat sobra. SKL ha, ang weird para sa akin na i-address si Kirino na 'she' sa English. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Byeeee!!!

Author Fumi-san, out~

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