Chapter 5

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The next morning everyone went to the airport to fly to Sydney. It was their mini break from touring. While waiting in security a couple fans recognized the boys. They ran up and they all took pictures with them. This was the first time fans saw Ash and I out together and it just so happened that when they ran up he had his arm around me. I looked at Ashton scared about what they would say if they saw us. I knew that most people assumed that we were a thing. He has posted pictures on twitter of us together and a bunch of girls who were in the fam called me asking what was going on with Ash and I. Even so, we weren't officially public. No one was suprised to see Elizabeth fans had run into the boys when she was with them tons of times but never with me. I watched as they hugged the small group of girls around them and how their faces lit up. I saw a few of them give me a dirty look as they passed by Ashton and it reminded me of before I met him. Ash looked at me as I was clearly uncomfortable. "Are you alright babe?" he said holding my hand in his as the girls slowly passed us. "Yeah I'm fine. But we should go we don't want to miss our flight"


As the plane took off I saw Ash taking pictures of the sky as it was just setting. He posted it shortly after captioning it "We put the world away...we get so disconnected. Headed home for a bit xx" his phone blew up seconds later and I got tons of texts because he tagged me by the sky.



etc etc

Ash peered over my shoulder laughing at his crazed fans. "That was totally me I was completly in love with you. Well actually nothings changed."

Ash kissed my hand and we watched the clouds pass.



"I just want you to know that even though all the fan stuff seems intimidating it gets better. They will love you."

"You can read my mind. I know it's just weird to think that last year if I saw you with another girl and I knew you cared about her and she made you happy I would be happy for you but there would always be a part of me that wants do you to be with me. To be completely honest it was an awful feeling and I just don't want those girls to be in my position. It hurts a lot i understand how they feel. I love you too much to not be with you though and I really want to them to like me."

"Well you'll be a huge help with me making sure no one gets upset with that I'm doing in my personal life... which would be you by the way."

He winked and then sucked on my neck slowly then curling back up in his seat holding my hand. "Just wait till we get into that hotel room." he whispered snarling slightly in my ear. He sent shivers down my spine as his hot breath tickled my ear. "I'm gonna destroy you." he ran his long fingers down my arm. My phone ringing interrupted Ash and i's heated moment. It was my dad. I hadn't talked to him since I left on tour and I'm assuming he was calling to check up on me. I answered the phone. "Hey dad" "How are you?" as the conversation went on Ash started to tease me. He was trying to see how far he could push me while I was talking to my dad. Causally flexing his muscles and winking every time I said daddy. He bit down on his lip never breaking eye contact with me. It pushed me over the edge. "Hey dad so sorry to cut you off but we're landing soon so I should go love you talk soon!"

"Wow off the phone with dad so soon? why is that love?"

"Shut up Ashton your so annoying."

"Mm say my name again."

"Your so thirsty go away."

"For you babe."

Ash leaned in and put his hand on the nip of my neck. I leaned in too giving in to his irresistible charm.

"Now who wants me?"

"Just shut up and kiss me."

As the kiss grew heated we got some disapproving looks from the rest of the passengers on the plane so we cooled it. My phone blew up with notifications seconds later. I checked Twitter to see what was going on. Calum took a picture of Ash and I and posted it in on Twitter captioning, "These two again...." I didn't know what to think. Nothing like that had ever been posted. When they were interviewed they were always asked about girlfriends and Ash always said he wasn't comfortable sharing. They respected his privacy but everyone knew that there was something going on with us. Elizabeth tapped me on the shoulder seeing as she was sitting behind me with Michael. 

"Words out now."

 "I don't know what were gonna do." 

Ash put his arm around me and said, "Don't worry about it. The fans will respect you they get it and if anyone is mean to you I'll put a stop to it I promise." "Thanks, that means a lot I have to be honest I was really nervous about this getting out." 


After another thiteen hours or so of flying we finally arrived in Sydney. The boys couldn't be happier to be home espicially Ash. He couldn't wait to take me to all his favorite spots in Aussie. I was excited to be home with Ash and I knew how much it meant to him. I also had never been and it seemed amazing from what all the boys said. The first thing I did was get a hotel with Elizabeth. We checked into one near the boys. This was also my first time not staying with Ash. He was going home to be with his family and I didn't want to intrude so I knew that we wouldn't have as much time together as we normally do. He still promised to show me the city and have the big meet the family dinner. I was so nervous to meet Ashton's family. I had never been in a relationship long enough for the big moment. Elizabeth and I got our rooms and jet lag seemed to hit us immeditaly. I was excited to spend some time with her. I seemed to be so caught up with Ash we never really had a lot of time to talk anymore. We both began watching a movie and fell asleep like halfway through it. 

Elizabeth if your reading this I know you don't fall asleep when watching movies but just got with it.. Also Katy I will add you into this as soon as I get an oppurtinty. 

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