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Jacob's POV

We were all shooting. I didn't understand how it all happened so fast. How could they have possibly known that we'd be here at this time.

That's when I noticed. Keith was gone. Nowhere to be seen. He vanished.

Anger took over as I shot down guy after guy. I heard a bloodcurdling scream from behind me and when I looked, Emily was being dragged away while Kris laid there on the floor with blood pooling around her and on her.

"EMILY!" Emilio screamed, and stood up. He shot down two more guys before running towards a Sobbing and struggling Emily. The guy dragging Emily away shot Emilio in the abdomen causing him to collapse on the ground.

I turned around and to see the guys running. Getting back into their cars. We all ran out shooting at their tires, one of them blowing out and crashing.

I ran for Emilio who was weakly trying to get up. "Emily!" He called out in pain.

"EMILY!" He screamed again as he began to cry. He was trying so desperately to stand up but he was loosing blood fast.

Sam booked it out the back door to try and find Emilio and her kidnappers and chase them down.

"Somebody call doc!" I yelled before David and I lifted up a sobbing Emilio.

"It's okay Emilio, we're gonna find her. Everyone loved Emily, we'll have people on our side!" I told Emilio with all the hope I could muster.

"Wait... where's Kris?" Jaxon asked. I knew exactly where she was, I looked from him towards her body with a solemn face before continuing to lead Emilio to a table to lay him down.

"KRIS!" Jaxon yelled before running over to her body and holding her in his arms. Her limp body laid there in his arms as he weeped into her shoulder, begging for her to wake up.

Her and Jaxon has a thing going on privately, and have had it going on for a while now. It was no secret that Jaxon was falling for her, but I guess life had other plans...

Samuel came back in, tears in his eyes. I looked into his eyes, but he shook his head. As if knowing that I was asking if he found anything.

One Month Later...

We teamed up with Michael and his gang and all of our alliances. We knew exactly who took her we just had no idea where they took her. The house has been empty without the girls and Emilio has gone crazy. After doc patched him up he fell asleep, but when he woke up he was hysterical. Every time he sleeps he has nightmares of Emily, we all hear him calling out to her in his sleep.

I miss my best friend, and we all really miss everything she did for us. She took care of all of us and when we watched the footage back from the ice cream shop, it was extremely hard to watch.

Emily protected Kris as best as she could and when Kris tried to protect her, she was shot and killed. I know for a fact wherever Emily is, she's suffering from guilt. She promised Kris she'd protect her and the way she screamed and kept apologizing... it was really hard to watch.

Keith never came back, and we all know he had something to do with it. When we searched his room there was a journal under his bed that was very disturbing to read. He had fallen in love with Emily, and she reminded him of his sister that he lost so he thought it was gods gift to him and that she was rightfully his.

Emilio swore to kill him if he ever saw him again, and all of us agreed that it was a good idea.

For a whole month, there has been no laughter, no singing, no happiness whatsoever in the house. The kitchen is left bare, because no one can stand the thought of it being empty. Emily was always in there wether she was cooking or eating.

Luckily, we were finally able to get the back security cameras footage after it was shot down by the people who took Emily. We got the license plate of the van they used and we've been tracking down all the locations it's been and who's name it was under.

I just pray to god that the baby stays safe, otherwise we might not only lose Emily, but Emilio as well.

Emily's POV

I've been trapped in a room for a whole month. Not a comfy room either, it was dark and the mattress was the only thing in there. Rats come down here sometimes and I feed them, I've formed a bond with the rats and one even sleeps on the mattress with me, which isn't sanitary but it's the only form of comfort I get.

I try not to stress and tell myself that this is nothing but a bad dream for the baby, but every night, I get the dreams of Kris and Emilio dying, the same way I'd get them when Mason died.

This place has been my own personal hell. I do pretty much everything I'm told out of fear for my baby. Lately the baby has been the only thing keeping me going. I talk to the baby when no one is around, but I think I'm going crazy because sometimes I'll hear people talking in the hall and I'll think that I hear Keith.

Only a couple people have come in and grabbed me to do stuff and it's usually something dumb like cooking, cleaning or watching their dogs. When I first got here a man tried to make me sick his dick so I bit him, but I learned very quickly that these men aren't afraid to hurt women.

Footsteps were approaching quickly and I instinctively backed up against the wall. The door swing open by Aiden, one of the guys who gives me shit to do.

"Come on, got a job for you." He said sternly.

I got up off of the bed and made my way towards him. He grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hall.

"Emily, you have to do everything this man tells you to do. If he says jump you ask 'how high?' Alright?" Aiden says, knowing that I hate being told what to do.

When I didn't reply he halted and turned to me. "That man won't hesitate to harm you and that baby in you're carrying." 

I froze, my eyes widening. How did they know I was pregnant? This is a complete game changer. Before when I thought they didn't know, I thought the baby was safe, but now that I know that they've known this whole time there's no telling what they've been feeding me or secretly doing to me to hurt they baby.

"We've known since the second we brought you in here. Don't even try to deny it." Aiden said as his lip twitched in anger.

It's been made pretty clear to me that everyone here hates Emilio. The fact that I'm carrying his kin doesn't help my chances of getting us out of here.

Aiden tugs me down the hall and up the stairs until we get to a room. He opens the door and inside is a man probably in his mid forties. He has hair with a couple streaks of grey that was slicked back. He had a chiseled face and dark brown eyes, and to say he was pretty lean would be an understatement.

Aiden pushed me into the room and shut the door. I stumbled in and gasped when I almost fell, unintentionally grabbing my stomach just in case I fell.

I looked up towards the man who was now sitting in a chair by a fire place that was lit. He looked mysterious and it was creeping me out.

"Hello, Emily. Come closer, sit down." He said as he gestured to the chair in front of him.

He seemed like a man who was quick tempered and I was scared to make the wrong move. He knew my name, and there's a large chance that he knows everything. Who I was married to, and who I'm carrying in my stomach.

I walked over to the chair and sat down, not sure wether to look into his eyes or not.

"You really are as beautiful as they say.." He had a thick Spanish accent and I noticed a glass cup with a drink in it. From my experience of bartending and the bottle that was next to him on the side table, it was scotch. He took a quick sip of his drink before placing it down on the side table.

"So tell me Emily, is it true that you are married to Emilio Flores, making you Emily Flores?" He asked with a small grin.

"Y-yes." I simply nodded and he let out a chuckle.

"There's no need to be afraid of me Mrs.Flores, as long as you give me what I want." The man said with a shrug.

"What do you want?" I asked, still scared of what he'd do if I declined.


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