52 (last chapter)

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"Where is he?" My heart was lifted instantly. The thought of my baby having a father like I had hoped wasn't just a fantasy wish anymore, it was reality.

"No, Emily I can't let you leave this car. Please don't make me tie you up because Emilio said I have to if you try to go back in for whatever reason." Samuel whined. I sigh and sit back, knowing it wouldn't be smart or safe for me to run in there without anything or anyone to protect me.

"Why'd you think he was dead anyway?" Samuel asked as he got comfortable in the car.

"I-I saw him. I saw him get shot and he fell I just-... I guess I just jumped to the conclusion that he died too." I sat there as I began to think about Kris, images of her lifeless face flashing through my mind.

"Did you guys bury her?" I asked Samuel with a hint of worry.

"No, We were told she wanted to be cremated and made into necklaces. We haven't had the time to make her into anything yet though." Samuel said with a sad face.

I looked over to Maddison to see her leg shaking vigorously. She was very clearly on edge.

I placed my hand on her shoulder comfortingly and said. "Everything's gonna be okay now, we've got you."

"What If-... what if your guys don't win this battle? What if I'm brought back in and punished for trying to leave?" She asks shakily.

"We won't lose." I say in the most serious tone possible. I believed it too, if they could handle me, they could handle these pricks.

Five agonizing minutes later that felt like an eternity, men and women were starting to file out. A group of four was even carrying Keith out to a van. I scanned the crowd for Emilio and once I spotted him speed walking to the car, my heart dropped. In a good way of course.

After crying my eyes out for weeks I could finally see the man I thought was dead. I ran towards him as fast as I could, and when he saw me he stopped dead in his tracks as if in disbelief.

I jumped on him and hugged him. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and held onto me. Emilio fell to his knees with me in his arms as he held onto me for dear life.

"I didn't think I'd ever see you again." I choked out as I cried on his shoulder.

"I will always find you." He said reassuringly and I nodded my head.

Emilio carried me back to the car and set me inside carefully, as if he thought I'd break at the slightest touch.

I explained to him what had happened while I was there and how I found Maddison.

Once we got home I went straight to doc to check on the baby. Surprisingly, the baby was fine.

I got plenty of hugs and Jacob damn near didn't let go. Of course Michael was pretty angry with Emilio for not preventing this but I calmed him down.

"The next time we move, it's just going to be me and you. No one but the inner circle will know where we live." Emilio explosione and I nodded my head as I ate my spaghetti.

"What are you gonna do with Keith?" I asked, addressing the elephant in the room.

Emilio let out a sigh. "We will be putting him in an asylum. He's off his rocker, Emily." He shook his head as he thought about it.

That gave me some sort of relief. I didn't want him dead, but then again I guess the Keith I once knew technically was dead. I hate the thought of it. How could this have happened in the first place?

"When we went through his room we found a lot of shit. Shrooms being one of them. Shrooms and a whole bunch of other drugs." Emilio said as he rubbed circles on my arms.

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