A Party?

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Hey hope you all like this plot. Please do not steal any ideas or characters. Copyright me and all characters belong to me as well. Plagiarizing is a crime so please do not attempt to copy and paste anything in this story. Thanks, xoxo Sof

Clouds like fluffy marshmallows captured my fall when I fell from the sky. They were as soft as silk,running through my hand like water. I heard a familiar deep rumbling laugh and turned coming face to face with my Dad. He grinned revealing a set of pearly whites and I squealed and jumped attacking him in a bear hug. In his warm embrace I was certain that everything would be okay...

"Uh Cam, your sorta suffocating Mr.Cocoa." I blinked waking to the sound of Chloe my best friend. I blearily rubbed my eyes and got up coming face to face with Chloe. She examined my expression, softening her large brown eyes.

"Did you have another dream." She said softly to me as if I was in danger of breaking into a thousand shards. I nodded slowly, the memory of his warm embrace already fading. Last month my Dad had gone into a deep coma which was probably all my fault. I pushed that thought away as fast as it came and shook my head in attempt to clear it.

Big mistake. I winced in pain as my neck cracked, probably now sporting whiplash. Chloe doubled over laughing so hard her face turned red as a tomato.

"Hey stop it wasn't THAT funny. I just have fragile neck bones..." I said trailing off because it just made her laugh harder.

"Seriously you sound like a fucking pig farting." I said rolling my eyes in mock disgust. She playfully narrowed her eyes at me and stuck her tongue out.

"Your a bitch." She said acting annoyed.

"A hella sexy bitch." I said smiling and elbowing her side. I leaned over to the side of my bed stretching to reach Mr.Cocoa my large brown stuffed dog. Apparently he was to far away so I ended up falling on my stomach on my luckily carpeted cream floor.

This was really not my day was it? Chloe struggled to keep a straight face while I glared at her from my floor to lazy to get up and move. THE PARTY DON'T START TILL I WALK IN! Chloe's phone suddenly went off irritatingly loud.

"Just pick the damn phone up! I all but whispered at her rubbing my temple. She made a face showing me the screen.

"It's Tracy." She said in a high pitched voice rolling her eyes. Tracy was bitch number one and captain of our cheer leading squad. She probably fit all the descriptions of stories of bitchy cheerleaders, destroying our mood. Like most of the others on the squad we tried to tolerate her and get into her good books so she didn't bother us to much. The music ended but started again,could she not get a hint?.

"Jeez this better be urgent. Why is she calling us all of a sudden?" I asked irritated, rolling over on my back and flexing cause my limbs were starting to fall asleep.

"Lets find out." Said Chloe bravely hitting the talk icon. Immediately Tracy's high voice squeaked onto speaker phone damaging my eardrums.

"Hey Girl friends! Blared Tracy. Chloe and I both faked the same enthusiasm and chirped back our hello's.

"I figured both of you were together." Said Tracy probably twirling a piece of her bright natural blonde (shocker) hair in her perfectly manicured nails. "So I'm like throwing this party tonight since summers ending tomorrow, and you girls should like definitely come!"

Chloe and I looked at each other deciding what to do. "Aw, come on girls, be a little fun!" Tracy whined in a baby voice probably expecting our answer.

"You can't say no, like the whole squad is coming so I totes will be expecting you guys there!" "Kay byes girl friends!"

Chloe and I both mumbled out a bye and I closed my eyes trying to help my ears recover. I quizzically looked over at Chloe since she was the one who mostly addressed these sort of issues. She had a strange expression on her face scaring me.

"Cam, lets pick out our dresses!" She squealed. "There's nothing like getting hammered the day before school!" She exclaimed quickly getting up strolling over to my huge walk- in closet.

Yes, my parents were a little wealthy and my house was pretty big with three floors and 20 rooms (most of them being empty). Chloe even had a permenant guest room here since she slept over so often.

Before the accident my old self would have restrained Chloe warning her about hangovers and what not, and worrying about my parents saying no. Now I could do whatever the hell I wanted, my Dad was a living vegetable and my Mom was to busy being on sleeping pills or work to notice. Also, now what did I have to loose?

Kay so hows the first chapter? Sorry it has quite a bit of cussing here and there but, oh well xP. Comment how you like the characters so far, and if you want me to update. I do welcome some constructed criticism but please do not egg on my silly grammatical errors or spelling mistakes cuz it gets a little annoying. Thanks for reading =D

xoxo, Sof

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