Let's be Wild

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I hopped out of the car and straightened my dress which had hitched up a little. I was fitted in a tight body hugging strapless lacy black dress which clung to my athletic figure from all those years of cheer leading. My long dirty blonde hair was set in wild curls and my hazel eyes were outlined with dark eye shadow and liner. My dangerous heels probably made me about five inches taller then my 5'5 frame.

               Chloe was dressed in a similar strapless red dress though she was a little shorter then me. Her large brown eyes were surrounded by green liner and creme eye shadow. Her wavy mane of strawberry blonde hair had been straightened and parted to the side. To sum it up we both looked pretty hot if I do say so myself. 

           We strutted in to Tracy's large backyard where the drinks were lined up and the music was heard the least. After a few or maybe more shots of liquid courage we entered the house. there was a massive hall where there were hundreds of sweaty body's grinding and dancing to the loud music that thumped through my skull.

Almost immediately after entering the house Chloe and I parted ways. She instantly got lost in the crowd on the dance floor while I hung back a little unsure. I could already feel the unfamiliar effects of the alcohol trilling through my veins. Needless to say I was unfamiliar with drinking. Sure I took a shot here and there and drank a few sips, but never had I completely let loose. 

           Soon enough I was pretty tipsy and let the alcohol take control of my actions. I ran over to the dance floor grinding like the rest of us drunkards. Pretty soon I was all sweaty and my hair was a jungle. I laughed and stumbled back outside to get another drink. The fresh air was sweet against my sweaty neck. A guy came up to me and started talking saying words making no sense whatsoever to my fuzzy brain. He smiled seeming more like a sneer and  took my hand.

Not knowing what to do I followed him in the sea of people he dragged me through. He led me to a room and shut the door kissing me roughly.  Even in my buzzed state I knew this was wrong so I tried to push him off- but no avail. His tongue tried shoving itself in my mouth making me unable to scream. Finally I did the only thing I could think of. 

                           The guy moaned rolling onto the ground holding his crotch area. I stood impressed with my handiwork and smiled laughing and falling on the bed. Everything was just so hilariously surreal. The last thing I remember was a face pulling the blanket on top of me and then the darkness that consumed me. 

            I woke up to a killer headache and loud music blaring and beating against my skull. Lurching forward I wrapped my hand around my mouth and ran for the bathroom connected to the room. I leaned forward and puked my guts out in the toilet, sending a stinging burning sensation up my throat. After I was done I looked into the mirror painfully aware of the fact that I looked like crap.

I was in the middle of washing my makeup off to look less like a homeless prostitute when I suddenly started to remember the events leading me here. I felt a shiver go up my spine realizing what could have happened, but I couldn't recall the face of the guy. Everything in my memory was really fuzzy though I do remember someone else tucking me in to the blanket. Well, that was sorta nice of them. 

         I opened the door and walked down a long staircase back to the main hall of the party. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and immediately tensed up to see Tracy clinging onto me laughing like a maniac.

                  " He-ey Cammsie!" She slurred throwing her arms around my neck. " Isn't this party like tots aweso-." She suddenly cut off her sentence and put all of her weight against me making me stagger under it. I quickly realized that she had fallen asleep mid sentence, leaving me to carry her to a bed.

        "Hey there, you need a little help." Said a deep rich voice startling me. I almost dropped Tracy but the stranger quickly took her from me relieving my burden. 

"Thanks a bunch I wasn't sure I could carry her any longer." I said turning to face the stranger. I was shocked by a pair of the clearest, brightest blue eyes I had ever seen.

The guy had a nice defined athletic build with glittering blond hair which was spiked up with gel. I realized I was staring and quickly looked away a blush building up and proliferating through out my face. Great, now you probably look like a idiotic human tomato, a voice in my head said.    

                  "Hey my names Dean, I  just moved here. Figured I might as well attend this party to get to know my future classmates  er a bit better."  Dean said in his velvety voice. He seems like a nice, shy guy different from a lot of others I know. I blinked a few times to comprehend what he said before realizing he was still carrying Tracy. 

      I led him to a couch to set Tracy down on before introducing myself as well. "My name's Camren. you can call me Cam." I said smiling and sat down on a sofa stretching out my sore ankles and legs. He sat next to me leaning in so he could hear me over the loud music. I could smell his minty cologne wafting over me. I tried hard not to make my sniff noticeable as I inhaled it.

       " So you'll be attending East Valley High tomorrow?" I asked for clarification.

 "Yeah,  I came to this party with my cousin hoping to make a friend before school tomorrow." "Didn't know I would be as lucky as to meet a girl as pretty as you." He added nervously.

                                   I mentally awed at that comment. A lot of boys had tried to flatter and seduce me, but coming from him the comment was so genuine, not to mention he was adorable when he was nervous.

         "Thanks. You'll probably catch me tomorrow in school. If we have the same period lunch your welcome to sit with my friends and I." I said hurriedly remembering Chloe and her wild partying self.

"Sorry I have to go find my friend. I'll uh see you tomorrow!" I yelled rushing away into the crowd before hearing his reply. God knows what Chloe could be doing when she was drunk. She was wild enough sober.

                    I quickly spotted her standing on a counter grinding against a random guy. I de-tangled her from him while she whined about ruining her fun and dragged her into the backyard.

       I finally got her to sober up slightly after making her drink four glasses of water. She was then able to stand on her own and stagger around to my car and sit mumbling nonsense about kissing  frogs while doing so. Well, I never did say she was completely sober.

       I drove to my house which was luckily only a few blocks away. While parking I noticed my moms car was missing meaning she hadn't come home from work- again. My mood turning sour and I dragged Chloe inside ignoring her protests. I managed to take her to her room and take her heels off before she completely conked out, going into a deep slumber. 

                So much for letting loose. I had to be the responsible one once again while Chloe went wild. At least this time I met a cute guy while doing so. I changed into my soft p.j's and collapsed onto my nice cozy bed, experiencing the famous falling asleep before your head hits the pillow saying.

          Comment your thoughts on this chapter. It was a little longer then my last one so let me know which length you like better. Thanks for reading, xoxo Sof ^_^


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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