Chapter Two

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Diamond's P.O.V.

" Oh my God Jamie stop." I said pushing him away

He layed three more kiss on my neck, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"You ready for winter break bae?."

" No, I hate being with my parents." I told him poating

" I'll stop by and see you everyday."

" You promise?" I asked holding out my pinkie

He linked his pinkie with mine, and kissed it.

" On my penis. Chop it off if I don't keep my promise."

I brusted out laughing

This is Jamie for you. My best male friend, my only friend at that. Been through thick and thin since pre k, when he beat up some guys for making fun of me.

Jamie is handsome, has that boys next doors look. Always dressed to impress. Slacks and button ups. Then their is causal Friday and Monday's when he rocks his sweats and Jordans.

He is greatly in love with his boyfriend Sammy. He is older, a jenior in college. Long distance relationship.

"Hey Dia who is that guy watching you?"

I followed the direction of Jamie's eyes. It was Avery. By the look on his face he wasn't very happy. I wonder why?

I looked away no longer able to look at his once gray-blue eyes that are now black.

" I-It's my dad's businesses partner. He is picking me up today."

" You sure he ain't ya man with the way he glarin' at me?"

" I meet him yesterday."

" Just be safe Diamond, he looks dangerous."

I know Jamie wasn't joking around since he was actually calling me by my name. It is always Dia, babe, or some other random pet name.

" I will be."

I gave Jamie one last hug before walking over to Avery.

"" I said awkwardly

Acery grabbed me and placed a kiss on my lips. It was full of passion and aggression. His hands sat comfortably placed on my ass. He would grop and smack it every couple seconds. Shocked and surprised by his actions I didn't, couldn't move.

" Let me see another man touch you like that again, and I'll beat ya ass a new ethnicity." Avery said breaking the kiss, my first kiss

His words caused me to shake

" H-h-he is j-just a friend." I tried to explain

" I don't give a damn." Avery said opening the car door for me

I glanced back at Jamie, his mouth along with several other people were hanging open.

" I'll explain later." I mouthed to him quickly before Jamie pushed me into his car

He got in and drove away from the school.

" You took my first kiss." I told him. Avery didn't say anything "...I didn't want you to be my first."

The car came to a sudden jerk. I would have gone through the window if it wasn't for my seat belt.

He grabbed me by my hair. I started to shake, this always happens when I am afraid or nervous.

I have always been the peace talker. Jamie fought my battles. Don't let him dressing nice fool you, he can and will kick your ass. Suit or not

" You really need to learn to hold ya tongue Diamond. I don't give a fuck what you wanted, I was your first. If I give you something ya grateful foe it." He said pulling my hair tighter

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