I Lose Everything

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She was fast. 

I could note that much as I attacked with every bit of ferocity I had. Letting my blade guide my hand, I moved in with the ferocity of a Valkyrie. The first charge was crucial when destroying your enemies, I knew that much, but this time my charge didn't come skill but rather from immense rage. 

My shield was not an option, my other arm was broken, and my shield lay with Agnese behind me. But I wasn't concerned. As long as Felvy was focused on me, the others were safe. I was her only priority. I was Freyalvia's only priority. 

But as fast as I attacked, every swing of my blade hit empty air. To the right, to the left, to the side, from behind.  I couldn't keep track of her movements one bit as I did all I could to cleave her to pieces.  She moved so quickly that it felt like she was teleporting.  Just disappearing and reappearing wherever I wasn't. This was what it meant to be Super Human in Varismalia, in a world where everyone was already strong.  

She was toying with me. I knew it. But I didn't care. As long as Agnese was safe. As long as Medi got her away from here. As long as they made it to Sanctum, then I would have finally achieved something in my worthless life. Finally have achieved a semblance of-.

I felt a claw slash across my face and blood splattered over my bare shoulders. I immediately stopped in my tracks and stared as Felvy held up a black claw that was stained with my red fluids, licking it like a predator having a sample before digging in. 

"Hmmmm! You are skilled!" said Felvy. "I would have enjoyed fighting you before my goddess granted me the gift I have now. But currently, oh you're just so boring. Enough of this playing house. I want to get right in there!"

Felvy dug her claws into my stomach, and I let out a horrible gurgling cry of pain as blood drizzled down my chin.

Suddenly a burst of fire erupted from nowhere and flames exploded straight into Felvy's side while Medi launched himself into the fray, fully recovered from his momentary daze, his blade burning bright with his own power. 

Felvy thrust a hand through the flames, her skin not even burning as she grabbed Medi's face and slammed him into the ground, creating a crater in the earth around Medi's thrashing body. 

Using Felvy's momentary distraction, I hurled my sword's pommel over her head, intending to force her to let go, disorient her. But my pommel bounced off her skull like it was nothing.

"Damn it!" I screamed cleaving off Felvy's arm and wrenching the limp fingers from my bleeding gut. 

The arm flopped around on the ground before suddenly it jumped right back to Felvy's shoulder and reattached itself in a mere millisecond. 

Felvy let go of Medi and smirked viciously as she dashed straight at me, aiming a punch directly at my face. One hit and it would be over. 

Medi got up however, yelling furiously, half his face was caked with blood that flung droplets out into the air as he attacked relentlessly, aiming a few amazingly fast cuts at Felvy's torso. 

Felvy's blood spilled out as she stopped, looking surprised, but immediately the wounds closed up as if there was nothing there. A strangely terrifying version of my own Blood Moon Regeneration powers. Only unlike me, she was literally immortal. 

"You're still standing? You're one tough cookie!" said Felvy, licking her lips, her ears twitching in anticipation. 

I looked at Medi and he nodded at me. There was no time to waste. We needed to simply cleave her body to so many pieces that it gave us time to escape. That was all we could do. 

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