Chapter 3 "Sick"

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The next day.. Harry didnt went to any of his classes because he was sick.. Its better for him to stay in bed for now and rest..

(In the dinning Table of the Slytherins)

(Draco POV)
Where is that potter... He didn't even ate Breakfast.. i wonder how he is by now..

Pansy shouted

"Y-Yes Pansy?"

"Dray Dray.. whats wrong.. you havent touch your food yet.. and also.. why are you looking in the griffindor table?" Pansy ask..


"Well you see parkinson.. draco is looking to that table right over there because. He was looking for Harry Potter"
Blaise said with a laugh

"I-ITS NOT THAT!" I shouted

"Can you please eat silently!!" Said the other slytherins angrily..

"R-Right sorry: said the tree of them"..

(In the dinning Table of the Gruffindor's Table)

Too bad harry is not here


What happened to him?

Actually George.. he's sick

Poor soul..

Hes not dying George

Oh right

I hope he is ok..

(With harry)

Harry POV

Harry POV

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Gosh.. its cold.. its really really cold.. *sniff*.. i think i'll just take a quick nap for now *yawn*..

(Then harry falls asleep)

(Later that afternoon while the others are busy. Draco sneaks to the griffindors common room to check on harry)

(In the room)

(Draco POV)
Hmm which here is Potters bed.. hmm ahah! Found it..

Draco walks to harrys bed and sits down in the edge of it


(A few minutes later)

Harry POV

I wake up and saw draco malfoy beside me.. i was shock and confuse and a bit scared and terrified.

"Malfoy.. what are you doing here?!" I ask

"Well.. i came here to check on you" he smiled.

"How did you get in?!" I ask

"It doesnt matter how i get in and how i get out".. Confidence covered draco.. its kinda showy but that ok.. i do not mind..

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