Chapter 9 " The WAR has begun"

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All of the students are on there place ready to fight.. Then it has been begun.. the death eaters was breaking the shield of the palace "EVERYONE IN YOUR POSITION!!"..

"They've entered the castle!" "ATTACK!!"..
Then the war began again.. it started again.. its like.. a time travel of somesort but its not.

"IM GOING AFTER VOLDEMORTH" Harry shouted and runs to were voldemorth is.. draco followed him

                                 In the forest

Harry is now face to face with voldemorth.. "Harry Potter".. Voldemorth said to harry "DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON ME OR SOMETHING WHY DO KEPT ON COMING BACK!!" Harry shouted "... i do not have a crush on the enemy".. Voldemorth said in an angry tone.. "Ahh.. draco malfoy .. come here".. "Wait.. draco?!!".. Draco walk out of the dark area of the woods and stand beside Voldemorth "H-how.. could you".. Harry said in pain.. "I'm sorry..".. Draco said.. in a low tone.. "I'm sorry.. Lord Voldemorth.." "EXPELLIAMUS" (Sorry if its wronf T ^ T)

Then after that.. Voldemorth has turn into
Dust like in the real movie.. and stuff.. he's gone yayyy lol i just skip the whole part.. sorry I'm really tired. GG.. tho 😅 sorry

Harry hugged draco and draco hugged back.. .. the both of them broke voldemorths wand.. and then.. they went back..

Everyone has deffeted the deatheaters
Everything is now ok.. there life will be peaceful again.... finally....


Hermoine hug harry so tight she cried.. and said "I THOUGHT YOU DIED YOU DORK!!".. harry patted hermoine in the back.. Draco in the other hand is jealous.. but he can't do anything tho.. those are his boyfriends friend..  so.. he just let it slide for now.. Blaise is kissing ron in the other side.... there all surprised but to them.. they just think its just normal..


306 words SOOO SHORTTTT 😂😂

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