Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Club Haze was getting real turnt this Friday night. Courtesy of moi, the club was hosting a glow party. I had gone to Deon with some fresh ideas, believing that the club needed some improvements. I felt like we were attracting one type of crowd: swaggy people, gangsters, bad bitches, and ratchets. Just having the same group of people doesn't give a business an upgrade, so I thought if we did special events, people would want to come through.

Deon thought it was a great idea and had spent the week preparing for it. Neon lighting in blues, pinks, and purples replaced the colored, hanging light bulbs on the dance floor and I couldn't count how many black lights were around the club.

It was def a success though. Girls were dancing with paint all over their bodies and waving glow sticks above their heads. Special guest DJ Killa Cash was playing all the bangers back to back. "Bring it Back" by Travis Porter was playing right now and I knew I could've made the dance floor my bitch. Everything was going as perfectly as I'd planned, except for one thing; I was the only one not enjoying myself.

Matter of fact, I wasn't even in the damn club! I was stuck in Deon's office, looking at the party through the window while the hood version of the Justice League talked business. They were sitting around a black matte table, each one wearing a serious gangster looking face. I ain't find none of them scary.

There was Stingy, Deon's supplier, who was the oddest looking one there. He was super skinny, with a small head and wide pale blue eyes that reminded me of a Chihuahua. He didn't dress like the others either. While they wore expensive suits, he liked to put on tracksuits and the same tired-ass red beanie. Deon told me not to be fooled because Stingy was the best supplier in this area and even beyond that. He never wasted any product and only sold the very best of his inventory to the high rollers. That's probably why his name was Stingy.

Next to him was Mason, but everybody called him Mace because he would bitch if you didn't. Dude was an ordinary looking man. There was nothing about him that stuck out, but that's what made him the perfect "spy". I wouldn't go too far as to call him that because that's actually cool. Mace's job was to be Deon's source of information. He got the dirt on anything and anyone. Whatever was going down in the Gardens, Mace knew about it.

Next to Mace was Jaque. Born in France, Jaque had a heavy accent and I loved to hear him talk. Reminded me of dark chocolate. He was Deon's 2nd in command and Deon never made a move without letting Jaque know. Deon was at the head of the table, arms crossed tightly over his chest as he listened to whatever Mace was saying, with a frown.

"Yeah, something is happening. Demand is going down. I can't tell you why. It's not our prices and it sure as hell can't be the quality. Whoever this dude is would have to be making bank in order to compete with us. We don't know anyone like that around here."

Stingy nodded in agreement. "True. But the crazy shit is, whoever this is must be supplying everything. He doesn't seem like he's taking any chances with anybody on the outside. And the fact that we don't know him means he doesn't want to be known."

Deon shrugged his shoulders. "He's a punk. He don't want no smoke with us, so he's doing shit from behind the scenes."

Jaque shook his head in disagreement. He took off his glasses to wipe them with a handkerchief as he spoke. "This man isn't afraid. He wouldn't have picked this area to do business in if he was a scared man. Either that, or he's foolish. But I don't believe so. This is a cautious man." Everyone seemed to agree with Jaque, especially since he was the oldest of everyone here.

"He may be smart, but dude is cocky," Mace said wagging his finger. "He sent his man straight here, didn't even go through Jaque. That means he knows there's some type of value to him and what he's running. Everybody knows not to come to you with some bullshit." Mace was right. Anybody in the game knew Deon had zero patience for bums and idiots. If you came to him with some stupid shit, trying to make a quick buck off his money with nothing in return, he would just get rid of you. To him, he was doing the world a favor anyway.

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